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4746. AN EXCEPTIONAL VERY LARGE HOLY LAND STORAGE JAR. Bronze age, ca. 2nd millennium BC. The large spherical jar with flat base and wide neck with everted rim. 19 x 20.5 inches. Completely intact with calcitic deposits ensuring authenticity. Extremely rare. $7500
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4747. AN EXCEPTIONAL VERY LARGE HOLY LAND STORAGE JAR. Bronze age, ca. 2nd millennium BC. The large spherical jar with flat base and wide neck with everted rim. 19 x 20 inches. Completely intact with lime deposits ensuring authenticity. Extremely rare. $7500
4748. A LARGE CYPRIOT KRATER, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The two handled vessel with twin strap handles from shoulders to rim, with painted bands and linear designs on the handles. 13 x 15 inches. Completely intact. Rare. $3500
4749. A FINE INDUS VALLEY BRONZE CLOAK PIN, ca. 1st millennium BC. The pin with large oval head with repousse designs including two birds at top, palms at sides and floral rosettes. 4 x 14.25 inches. An exceptional example. Very rare. $1250
4750. A FINE INDUS VALLEY BRONZE CLOAK PIN, ca. 1st millennium BC. The pin with large oval head with repousse design with floral rosette within band of dots. 3.75 x 12 inches. Excellent example. Very rare. $750
4751. A FINE INDUS VALLEY BRONZE MIRROR, ca. 1st millennium BC. The mirror with large polished circular face with heavy long pin handle with perforated knobs at top for attachments. 5.2 x 12.5 inches. Excellent example. Very rare. $1250
4752. AN INDUS VALLEY BRONZE MIRROR, ca. 1st millennium BC. The mirror with polished circular face with long pin handle. 3.25 x 11 inches. Nice example. Very rare. $450
4753. A MESOPOTAMIAN BRONZE MIRROR, ca. 2nd millennium BC. The mirror with polished circular face with long flat handle with suspension hole. 3.25 x 6.5 inches. Nice example. Rare. $450
4754. A RARE MESOPOTAMIAN BRONZE MAGNIFYING MIRROR, ca. 2nd millennium BC. The mirror with polished circular face made with a slight concavity so that it would produce a magnified image. 4.75 x 7.25 inches. Excellent example and very rare testament to the knowledge of magnfying surfaces by the ancients. $1250
4755. A LARGE KUSHAN STONE DUCK PANEL, ca. 2nd century AD. The red sandstone frieze with a procession of seven deeply carved waterfowl. 5.5 x 8.5 x 32 inches. On custom stand. $4500
4756. A LARGE GANDHARAN SHIST HERCULES, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The stone plaque of Hercules reclining holding a wreath, partial figure of attendant to l. 3.5 x 11.5 x 20.5 inches. $4500
4757. A LARGE GANDHARAN STONE RELIEF BUDDHA, ca. 2nd –3rd century AD. The Buddha seated crosslegged in meditation flanked by attendants. Carved in gray shist. 2 x 13.5 x 16 inches. Only minor wear. $4500
4758. A LARGE AND FINE GANDHARAN STUCCO BUDDHA, ca. 2nd-3th century AD. The Buddha seated in meditation with legs crossed and hands clasped in his lap. Especially fine and large example of wonderful style with great serenity. 11 x 16.25 inches. Intact. See eg. Sotheby's March '97, lot 45 for a very similar example only slightly larger which sold for $65,750. On custom stand. Very rare. $8500
4759. A GANDHARAN SHIST STELE, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The stele in the form of a temple with a scene from the life of Buddha who is standing surrounded by seven other figures within the main temple alcove. He is also shown seated in meditation in the frieze above surrounded by four supplicants, two of whom give offerings while the others bow in supplication. 2.25 x 9.75 x 11.5 inches. Excellent nearly complete piece with detailed carving and only a small side of the frieze missing. $2500
4760. A GANDHARAN SHIST WINGED DIETY, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone figural group with a mustached winged diety seated with semi-nude female attendant to the left. 6.5 x 7 inches. A choice complete piece with wonderful detailed carving in excellent condition. Free standing. $2250
4761. A GANDHARAN SHIST STANDING BUDDHA, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The finely carved stone Buddha with right hand raised, the left holding an uncertain attribute. 2.5 x 6.5 inches. Excellent piece with detailed carving. Neat repair at ankles visible mostly from behind. Free standing. $1350
4762. A GANDHARAN SHIST SEATED GODDESS, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone Goddess seated on her throne with halo behind, her raised right hand holding a globe. 2.5 x 5.5 x 10.5 inches. Excellent complete piece with detailed carving and only minor chips. $2750
4763. A FINE GANDHARAN SHIST HEAD OF THE BUDDHA, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone head with beautiful serene expression. 3.5 x 4 x 6.5 inches. Abrasion to right cheek. Superb carving. $1750
4764. A GANDHARAN SHIST HEAD OF THE BUDDHA, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone head with fine serene expression. 1.75 x 2.5 x 4 inches. Some abrasion and light deposits. Excellent. $750
4765. A GANDHARAN SHIST TORSO OF A PRINCE, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone figure turned toward the right wearing robes and royal headress. 2 x 3.5 x 8 inches. Excellent carving better than image shows. $1250
4766. A FINE GANDHARAN SHIST FIGURE, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone male figure carrying a pouch slung across his belly. 2.5 x 5.5 x 7.5 inches. Superb carving with wonderful animated pose. $2500
4767. A GANDHARAN SHIST BUDDHA, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone Buddha missing the head but nicely carved with long flowing robes. 2 x 3.75 inches. Free standing. $500
4768. A GANDHARAN SHIST FIGURAL GROUP, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The carved stone group with an old bearded ascetic turned to the right with a youth behind him flanked by palm trees, perhaps repesenting youth and old age. 2.5 x 5 x 10 inches. Repair. A wonderful sensitively carved piece with great rendering of the expressions of the faces. $2500
4769. A FINE GANDHARAN SHIST OFFERING PALETTE, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The shallow carved stone vessel with five compartments surrounded by vines, the underside carved with a fine woven pattern. 1 x 5.5 inches. An excellent example and rare. $1250
4770. A GANDHARAN SHIST LOTUS STAND, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The stand consisting of a pedestal with carved lotus base and a top with wide finely carved lotus stand. 4 x 5 inches. Rare. $750
4771. A JAIN MULTIFIGURAL STONE PANEL, ca. 6th-8th century AD. With two seated gods in alcoves with four nude male attendants between. 5 x 12 x 27 inches. Stands freely. $6500
4772. A LARGE INDIAN STONE SHIVA, ca. 10th century AD. The figure of Shiva drinking from a bowl carved in red sandstone. 4.5 x 14 x 28.5 inches. On custom stand. $4500
4773. A LARGE KUBARA STONE PLAQUE, ca. 1st millennium AD. With a corpulent seated god or king being served by a semi-nude maiden who pours him drink, remains of pigment (white color is removable deposit). 8 x 22 x 23 inches. On custom stand (which should be sanded and refinished to remove rust deposits). $3500
4774. A LARGE INDIAN EROTIC STONE STELE, ca. 10th century AD. A nearly complete stele carved in dark gray stone with Shiva seated with erect lingam next to his semi-nude consort, Shiva's foot resting on Nandi bull below. 4 x 14 x 25 inches. Couple of lines on old expert repairs. Excellent carving and a nearly complete piece with rare erotic subject matter. Considerably better than image. On custom stand. $12,500
4775. A LARGE INDIAN STONE GODDESS PANEL, ca. 10th-11th century AD. With a multi-armed voluptuous breasted goddess seated on a demon she subdues and surrounded by attendants. 7 x 14.5 x 19.5 inches. A complete panel with only minor losses and excellent carving. On custom stand. $12,500
4776. A LARGE INDIAN STONE PANEL, ca. 10th century AD. Carved in beige sandstone with the semi-nude figures of a voluptuous goddess or princess attended by two young girls, a diety above. 3.5 x 14.5 x 23 inches. Free standing with care. $8500
4777. A MONUMENTAL ROMAN MARBLE TOGATUS TORSO, ca. 2nd century AD. The life-sized torso wearing toga thrown over the left shoulder. 10 x 20 x 25 inches, 200-300 lbs. Free standing with care. $17,500
4778. A MONUMENTAL ROMAN MARBLE HEAD OF A PHILOSOPHER. Roman Provincial, likely Syria, c. 1st-3rd century AD. The over lifesize head of a bald, bearded philosopher. 11 x 11.5 x 15.5 inches. A few stable fine ancient age cracks, some with reaggregated calcium deposits within. Honey tinted marble typical of Eastern Mediterranean origin. Fully three dimensional head with the hair detailed all the way around. On custom stand. A very large and impressive piece. $17,500
4779. A FINE ROMANESQUE MARBLE LINTEL, ca. 9th-12th century. The piece carved with a lion holding a serpent in his mouth, a male head above. 5.5 x 10.5 x 19 inches. Excellent condition. Extremely rare. Free standing. $12,500