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B3489. A FINE EARLY DARK AGES GLASS VIAL, ca. 5th-6th century. Of fine deep aqua glass with ribbed body and knobbed
neck with rolled and expanded rim. Pontil mark at base, some iridescence on neck. 4.8". Tiny pin hole, otherwise excellent condition & very rare. Small museum number in red ink on shoulder.
B3490. A LARGE BYZANTINE GLASS BOWL, ca. 5th-8th century AD. The large thin-walled bowl with flat base and high sloping rim. 2.5 x 6.75 inches. Professional repair. Rare.
B3491. A CHOICE LATE ROMAN/EARLY BYZANTINE BRONZE OIL LAMP FILLER, ca. 4th-6th century. The filler of standard Roman form but on three prong legs and with ornate incised engraving. 3.3 x 5 inches. Choice condition. Very rare.
B3492. A BYZANTINE BRONZE RELIQUARY CROSS, ca. 9th-12th century AD. Christ crucified one side with cross above, the Virgin orans on the other, swivel suspension loop above. 3.25 inches. Such reliquaries were used to carry relics of Saints, Martyrs splinters of 'the true cross' and other religious relics. Choice intact example.
B3493. A CHOICE LARGE BYZANTINE AMPHORA, ca. 4th-6th century AD. The large amphora with piriform body and twin ridged handles from shoulder to neck, the rim with reinforcing ridge. 10.5 x 15 inches. Completely intact and in excellent condition. On custom stand. Very rare this nice.
B3494. A BYZANTINE JUG, ca. 5th-7th century AD. 9.25 inches.
B3495. A BYZANTINE JUG, ca. 7th century AD. 8.25 inches.
B3496. A BYZANTINE DISH, ca. 5th-7th century AD. 8.5 inches.
B3497. A BYZANTINE BEAKER, ca. 3rd quarter 6th century AD. Rare 'flower pot' form. 4 inches.
B3498. A ROMAN/BYZANTINE SILVER SPOON, ca. 1st-4th century AD. 4.7 inches.
B3499. AN OSTROGOTH BRONZE FIBULA, ca. 5th-6th century AD. 4.8 inches.
B3500. A BYZANTINE GLASS BEAKER, ca. 4th-8th century AD. With pinched middle. 4 inches. Scarce type.
B3501. A BYZANTINE GLASS BEAKER, ca. 4th-8th century AD. With pinched middle. 3 inches. Scarce type.
B3502. A FINE BYZANTINE BRONZE LOCK, ca. 4th-8th century AD. In the form of a horse with a sliding mechanism connected to the tail. 1.9 inches. Rare.
B3503. A FINE BYZANTINE SILVER BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2.75 inches.
B3504. A BYZANTINE BRONZE BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2.6 inches.
B3505. A BYZANTINE BRONZE BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2.5 inches.
B3506. A BYZANTINE BRONZE BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 1.8 inches.
B3507. A BYZANTINE BRONZE BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2 inches.
B3508. A BYZANTINE BRONZE BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2.3 inches.
B3509. A BYZANTINE SILVER BUCKLE, ca. 4th-8th century AD. 2.75 inches.
B3510. A COMPLETE SET OF BYZANTINE BRONZE BELT ORNAMENTS, ca. 4th-8th century AD. Includes the buckle. To 1.5 inches.
B3511. TWO BYZANTINE SILVER BUCKLES, ca. 4th-8th century AD. To 2.75 inches.
B3512. 5 BYZANTINE BONE HANDLES, ca. 4th-8th century AD. To 4 inches. Breaks.
B3801. A BYZANTINE BONE HANDLE WITH INSCRIPTION, ca. 4th-8th century AD. The bone handle with inscribed Christian? symbol and BACILE??. 4.3 inches. Chip to end.
B3513. A RARE BYZANTINE BRONZE MEASURE, ca. 5th-8th century AD. 15 x 25 mm.
B3514. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Three noumismata.
B3515. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Two noumismata.
B3516. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Four noumismata.
B3517. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Three ounce.
B3518. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Twelve noumismata.
B3519. A BYZANTINE BRONZE WEIGHT, ca. 5th-8th century. Two ounce with silver inlay.
B3520. A ROMAN/BYZANTINE PLATE, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. 10.5 inches.
B3521. A FINE ROMAN/BYZANTINE DISH, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. 5.75 inches. Choice shiny red glaze.
B3522. A ROMAN/BYZANTINE JUG, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. 7.2 inches.
B3523. A ROMAN/BYZANTINE DISH, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. 6.25 inches. Rim chip reattached.
B3524. A ROMAN/BYZANTINE THIN-WALLED BOWL, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. 3 X 4 inches.
B3525. A RARE ALANIC TRIBES CUP, ca. 1st half of 4th century AD. 4.75 inches across handle.
B3526. A BYZANTINE MIRROR, ca. 6th-10th century AD. The mirror set with central glass reflector, glass fragments and four bronze crosses, two bronze suspension loops at top. 6.5 inches diameter. Some restoration to reset the glass and bronze pieces.
B3527. ENGLAND, STUART RESTORATION, 1660-1714. Lead wood bale seal. Obv: O..O../..E…R../TORIF/D Rv:XXVII half fleur. Avg. condition. Scarce.