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B3428. A RARE ETRUSCAN BRONZE BOSS, ca. 6th-5th century BC. The thin-metalled boss for funerary use with the molded head of a facing lion with a ring in its mouth. 8 inches in diameter. See 'The Etruscans', Buranelli, #s 27-29 for somewhat similar bosses in the Vatican Museum collection. Very rare with this nice detail and condition.
B3429. A MUSEUM QUALITY ETRUSCAN SARCOPHAGUS. ca. 2nd century BC. The heavy, hard fired terracotta sarcophagus with the figure of the deceased reclining on top, four figures in molded relief on the front, the surface with original white pigment. These representing the duel between the brothers Eteocles and Polynices. 9.5 x 16 x 18.25 inches. Corner of lid reattached otherwise intact and in excellent condition. Eteocles and Polynices were the sons of Oedipus and Jocasta. After their father's death it was agreed among them that they should share the kingdom and reign in alternate years. However after Eteocles had finished his year he refused to give up his kingship. This resulted in the Theban war ('The Seven Against Thebes'), 27 years before the Trojan war, wherein the brothers finally met and slew each other in single combat. Complete Etruscan sarcophagi are excessively rare and normally found only in the finest museum collections. Cf. 'Etruscan Life and Afterlife', ed. Larissa Bonafonte. p. 119, IV-34 for a very similar piece with the same scene in the Liverpool National Museum and Art Gallery.
B3430. A SUPERB ETRUSCAN ANTEFIX, ca. 6th-5th century BC. The antefix with the facing head of the god Pan with bushy beard and goat horns, the face with original red pigment and the beard, eyebrows and pupils of the eyes with the original black. 5.5 x 6 inches. The face intact and in excellent condition. Cf. Christie's Dec. 1998, #82 for a very similar antefix in inferior condition estimated at $10,000-$15,000. A wonderful early piece of impeccable style.
B3431. A MONUMENTAL ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The huge over life-sized foot with superb molded detail, including very lifelike nails and realistic anklebones, considerable remains of red pigment. 5.5 x 5.75 x 14 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. A choice example with excellent detail and in wonderful intact condition. Note the compressed position of the little toe indicative that the owner was in the habit of wearing shoes too small for his feet, a fine example of the Etruscan masters' attention to realistic detail. Excessively rare this large. A museum quality piece.
B3432. A VERY LARGE ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The life-sized foot with superb molded detail, including very lifelike nails and realistic anklebones, considerable remains of red pigment. 4.5 x 5.6 x 11.5 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. A choice example with excellent detail and in wonderful intact condition with a clean break at the ankle. Extremely rare this nice. A museum quality piece.
B3433. A LARGE ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The near life-sized or child-sized foot with excellent molded details. 3.75 x 4.1 x 8.1 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. Rare.
B3434. A LARGE ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The near life-sized or child-sized foot with nicely molded details. 3.75 x 4.6 x 7.3 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. Rare.
B3435. A LARGE ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA HAND. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The near life-sized hand complete with considerable remains of red pigment both sides, molded detail on one side only. 8 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. Very rare.
B3436. A FRAGMENTARY LARGE ETRUSCAN FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The near life-sized fragment with four toes with detailed nails. 4.8 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. Rare.
B3437. A FRAGMENTARY LARGE ETRUSCAN FOOT. Classic Period, ca. 5th-4th century BC. The near life-sized fragment with three toes with detailed nails, considerable remains of red pigment. 4 inches. From the collection of an Italian diplomat formed early this century. The Etruscans produced probably the finest large terracotta figures of the ancient world. Rare.
B3438. A CHOICE ETRUSCAN AMPHORA, ca. 5th-3rd century BC. The sizeable twin handled storage vessel with red pigment on the lower half teminating in a zig zag pattern on the shoulder (the zig zag portion faded on the reverse). 7.35 x 14.75 inches. A very rare and beautiful piece of wonderful proportions. Complete and intact on custom stand. Museum quality.
B3439. A CHOICE ROMAN ANTEFIX, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The terracotta antefix with the fine molded head of Mercury wearing his winged petasos before an acanthus (small flakes to tips), pinecones? curving to the sides, swirls below. 6 x 7.5 x 10 inches. Free standing with an integral hollow base extending from the rear. A choice example of fine classical art.
B3440. A CHOICE ROMAN ANTEFIX, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The terracotta antefix with the fine molded head of Mercury wearing his winged petasos before an acanthus (top tip reattached), pinecones? curving to the sides, swirls below. 6 x 7.5 x 10 inches. Free standing with an integral hollow base extending from the rear. A choice example of fine classical art.
B3441. A STAMPED ROMAN LEGIONARY TILE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The tile stamped with a circular stamp with LEG XX(II) PR PF above and below two large trident symbols back to back. The stamp is of Legion 22 Primigenia Pia Fidelis. The tiles of this legion are rarer than most. Records show it was stationed on the Rhine for over two hundred years. The tridents most likely refer to the naval aspect of the legion as it regularly patroled the Rhine in boats. 1.75 x 6 x 8 inches. Comes with consignor's custom display. Rare.
B3442. A FINE ROMAN MARBLE HEAD, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. Possibly the head of a young emperor. 6 x 7.5 x 9.5 inches. 20 lbs. Excellent condition with only a small chip to the bottom of the nose and lip.
B3443. A ROMAN MARBLE TORSO OF APHRODITE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The nude torso with prominent breasts twisted slightly to the right and down, perhaps in the act of undressing for the bath or tieing her sandle. 4.5 x 5 inches. On custom stand. Rare.
B3444. A ROMAN MARBLE HEAD, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The male head with heavy curly beard and hair below his cap, drilled details. 2.5 x 3.75 inches. A little abrasion to nose otherwise excellent condition.
B3445. LIMESTONE STELE OF THE YOUNG DIONYSOS AMONG GRAPEVINES. c. 2nd century BC-AD. A sizable limestone figure of the young god standing nude in a grape arbor with his robes fallen down around his thighs, his ringlets falling over his shoulders. 6.5 x 9 x11 inches. 30 lbs. A fine erotically charged piece even though the face was unfortunately chipped away perhaps by early Christians. Free standing. Rare.
B3446. A PALMYRAN LIMESTONE GODDESS. Roman Syria, ca. 2nd century AD. The sizable limestone figure of the robed and veiled goddess holding a patera and scepter. 6 x 10.5 inches. Rare.
B3447. A FINE AND RARE ROMAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BARBARIAN REVELER. Ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The bearded male figure, probably Germanic, raising his drinking horn high in celebration or perhaps in an invocation to the gods, his head thrown back gazing skyward, he wears a fur tunic and boots and has a vine wreath upon his head. 4.25 inches. An extremely rare and important piece. Intact and in choice condition with excellent detail.
B3448. A FINE ROMAN BRONZE APPLICAE BUST OF SILENOS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The heavily bearded and horned satyr
with a wonderful powerful yet mischievous look. 1.5 x 1.75 inches. Fine classical style and excellent condition with good detail. Two attachment rivets on the back.
B3449. A FINE ROMAN BRONZE HEAD OF A GOD, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The head with a cap covering the head from which the hair emerges. 1 inch. The break at neck smoothed so that it stands freely on its own. Fine classical style and excellent condition with good detail.
B3450. A FINE ROMAN BRONZE HEAD OF A GODDESS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The head with hair drawn over her diadem into a high hairpiece above, the head turned to the left above the bare shoulders. 1.7 inches. Fine classical style and excellent condition with good detail on back.
B3451. A FINE ROMAN BRONZE HEAD OF A GODDESS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The head with hair drawn over her diadem into a knot behind, earrings hanging from her ears. 1 inch. Fine classical style and excellent condition with good detail on reverse.
B3452. A LARGER ROMAN BRONZE BUST, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The solid cast female bust with hair drawn up into a bun behind on original integral plinth. 2.75 inches. The mouth recut in antiquity. On custom stand.
B3453. A ROMAN SILVER SPOON, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The small spoon with knob on the end. 4.8 inches. Such small spoons may have been used as cosmetic and medical spoons, they were also used as ear scoops and carried as part of personal hygiene kits by elegant Romans. Rare in silver.
B3454. A CHOICE ROMAN BRONZE KEY, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The key made to swivel on an ornate handle with projecting knob. 1.8 inches. Choice intact condition. Rare this nice. On custom stand.
B3455. A NICE ROMAN BRONZE LEGIONARY EAGLE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With great detail in feathers and elsewhere. 2.2 inches. Small ding on wing. Free standing. Likely a Roman Legionary symbol.
B3456. A ROMAN LEAD DICE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The dice with marks from one to six on the sides. 10 mm. Scarce.
B3457. A ROMAN IRON ADZE AXE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Heavy socketed implement. 7.5". Nice condition.
B3458. A ROMAN IRON HAMMER AXE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Heavy reinforced socket implement. 8". It is interesting that this hammer axe is almost identical to one found in the famous Anglian king's grave at Sutton Hoo.
B3459. A FINE ROMAN GLASS BEAKER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The body of the straight-walled beaker covered in fine silvery blue iridescence with some ancient soil. 3 x 3.9 inches. A beautiful and rare example.
B3460. A ROMAN GLASS BOTTLE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. the bottle with spherical base and tall neck with wide flattened rim. 5.25 inches. Intact with considerable bright iridescence.
B3461. A ROMAN GLASS BOTTLE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. the bottle with conical base and tall neck with wide flattened rim. 5.4 inches. Intact, the body covered with milky blue iridescence and areas of ancient soil.
B3462. A FINE ROMAN GLASS VIAL, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. the bottle with double-pinched body and high neck with wide funnel rim. 5.1 inches. Intact, the body covered with silvery peacock iridescence.
B3463. A FINE ROMAN GLASS VIAL, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The vial with rolled base and especially wide rim, the whole with considerable golden iridescence. 6.25 inches. On custom stand.
B3464. A NICE ROMAN GLASS VIAL, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The vial with conical base and high neck with rolled rim. 5 inches. Excellent condition with considerable iridescence.
B3465. A ROMAN GLASS TWO PART BOTTLE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The bottle with globular base with molded honeycomb pattern, the original neck made separately and attached when the glass was hot to form a narrow passage within the neck. 2.6 inches. Excellent intact condition. Rare.
B3466. A ROMAN GLASS BOTTLE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The bottle with spherical base with four pressed indendations on the sides and high neck with rolled rim. 3.1 inches. Excellent intact condition. Scarce type.
B3467. A ROMAN GLASS PITCHER, ca. 3rd-beginning 4th century AD. With spiraled glass body and single strap handle. 7.25 inches.
B3468. A ROMAN GLASS PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With single strap handle. 3.6 inches.
B3469. A ROMAN GLASS PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With single strap handle and unusual square body. 3.4 inches. Rim chips.
B3470. A MINIATURE ROMAN GLASS PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With ornate pronged handle. 2 inches. Neck repair with chips. Rare type.
B3471. A ROMAN GLASS CHALICE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 3.4 inches.
B3472. TWO ROMAN GLASS VIALS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. To 4.3 inches.
B3473. A RARE INTACT ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA PLATTER, ca. end of 2nd-first half 3rd century AD. The red slip platter with a central molded square with sphinx, molded floral decorations on handles. 7.3 x 12.7 inches. Intact with ancient iron deposit on one side attesting authenticity. Very rare.
B3474. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PLATTER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 11 inches. An especially nice example with heavy walls and inturned rim. Intact.
B3475. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PLATE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 11 inches.
B3476. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PLATE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 10.25 inches.
B3477. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 8.5 inches.
B3478. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 8 inches.
B3479. A ROMAN RED GLAZE PITCHER, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. 8 inches.
B3480. A ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with a molded rooster on the discus. 3.25 inches.
B3481. A ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with a molded goat or gazelle on the discus. 3.5 inches.
B3482. THREE ROMAN BONE BIRD AMULETS, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. To 25mm.
B3483. A ROMAN BONE KNUCKLEBONE AMULET, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Small knucklebone with suspension hole probably used for a lucky charm. 15mm.
B3484. A ROMAN KNUCKLEBONE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The knucklebone used for playing games of chance. 1.2 inches. Two ancient drill holes.
B3485. A ROMAN KNUCKLEBONE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lead weighted knucklebone used for playing games of chance. 1.2 inches.
B3486. THREE ROMAN BONE AXE AMULETS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With suspension holes. To 22mm.
B3487. FIVE ROMAN BONE GAMING TOKENS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Disk shaped with various markings. To 25mm.
B3488. FIVE ROMAN BONE GAMING TOKENS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Disk shaped with various markings. To 31mm.