* * *

4305. AN ETRUSCAN TERRACOTTA FOREARM, ca. 7th-5th century BC. The forearm with fingers curved to thumb, mortise hole for attachment to a larger figure. 2.2 inches.

4306. AN EARLY ROMAN OR ITALIC WARRIOR, ca. 7th-6th century BC. The large terracotta figure. 11 inches. Professional repair. Extremely rare.

4307. AN EARLY ROMAN OR ITALIC WARRIOR, ca. 7th-6th century BC. The large terracotta figure. 12.75 inches. Professional repair. Extremely rare.

4308. AN EARLY ROMAN OR ITALIC WARRIOR, ca. 7th-6th century BC. The large terracotta figure. 9 inches. Professional repair. Extremely rare.

4309. A ROMAN TERRACOTTA HEAD, ca. 2nd century AD. The young male head with cap over his curly hair. 4.25 inches. Light sea encrustation.

4310. ROMAN TERRACOTTA HEAD, ca. 2nd century. The head of a female goddess bust wearing a veil. Burnished surface. 5 x 4 cm.

4311. ROMAN FRESCO WALL FRAGMENT, 1st century. This fragment of a painted wall fresco shows a red flower on white ground. Nice condition. 10 x 9 cm. Rare.

4312. A RARE ROMAN HOUSE ALTAR SECTION, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. With the head of the god (Mithras?). Brown clay. 7 x 5 cm.

4313. A RARE ROMAN EROTIC FIGURE OF A DWARF, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The small bronze figure wrapped in a robe which reveals his oversized penis. 1.5 inches. Dwarves when portrayed in Roman art, which was rare, were most often the subject of erotic scenes. Extremely rare and quite high quality artistic workmanship.

4314. A ROMAN BRONZE VENUS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. She stands draped from the hips down, her hair in a bun, arranging her braids with her hands. 2.7 inches. On custom base.

4315. A ROMAN BRONZE MERCURY, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The god nude but for cape and winged hat, holding a caduceus and purse. 2.5 inches. A rare completely intact example. On custom stand.

4316. ROMAN BRONZE FURNITURE MOUNT in shape of a bust. Artistic work. The mount is hollow. Intact, 4,5 cm. Reference: Nigel Mills, Roman artifacts found in Britain.

4317. A RARE ROMAN IRON SURGICAL CLAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The clamp with flattened jaws, one straight and one curved handle. 4 inches. Very rare and interesting medical artifact.

4478. A SET OF SIX ROMAN MEDICAL TOOLS, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Several bronze, one silver with triangular edge and a stone medical mixing palette. To 17 cm. Very rare and interesting medical artifacts.

4318. RARE ROMAN BRONZE INK WELL, dates early 1st century. Well with cover, nicely ornamented with little naps. Bronze ink wells were only used by the rich households and are therefore they are very rare. The cover is loose otherwise superb condition. 4,5 cm x 3,5 cm. Reference: Penguin Atlas of ancient Rome.

4319. A VERY RARE ROMAN STYLUS AND WOODEN WRITING TABLET, 2nd century AD. This is how the Romans have written: On the wooden tablet was a thin layer of wax. With the Stylus, they wrote in the wax. With the flat side of the Stylus the words could be erased. On this tablet, many letters can be seen which have been pressed through the wax. Extremly rare, found in Cologne. "Only" one half of the tablet remaining. Table: 12 x 6 cm, stylus: 9,5 cm.

4320. ROMAN BRONZE COMPASS, dates 1st century. Fully intact and still moveable bronze compass. It bears at one arm a tiny manufacturer or owner mark. Very rare roman tool. 11 cm length.

4321. ROMAN BRONZE MIRROR, dates 1st century. Large bronze mirror with lot of the silver plating remaining. Ornament circles and holes around the plate. The handle is loose (as usual) and the mirror shows some areas of green patina on the plate. Nice artwork, 15,5 cm diameter, 28 cm total length. Reference: Limesmuseum Aalen, Bronzen aus Baden-Würtemberg.

4322. ROMAN BRONZE RING KNIFE, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The knife with a ring handle for hanging or suspension. Nice condition with green patina. 14 cm. long.

4323. ROMAN BRONZE KEY, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. Bronze with green patina. 7 cm.

4324 VERY RARE ROMAN "LONG" DICE (unusual shape). It is not clear what type of games were played with this dice. Made of bone, 9,5 cm. Reference: Limesmuseum Aalen, Römische Kinder- und Gesellschaftspiele.

4325. FRAGMENT OF A ROMAN LEATHER SANDAL, dates 1st century. Fragment of the left outer side of a Roman shoe. The leather shows fine ornamental piercing in circle and rectangular forms. Lucky circumstances have conserved this item well. Only a few leather items have survived to the present, so this is very rare. 14 cm.

4326. A COMPLETE ROMAN LEGIONARY TILE, Legio XXII Primigenia, after 89 AD. The Legio XXII was founded before 43 BC and was formerly stationed in Mogontiacum (Mainz). In 69/70 the Legion was transfered to Vetera (Xanten). In 89 AD the Legion was honoured by Domitian and given the honourary name PIA FIDELIS DOMITIANA. This tile has this name, so it was made definitely after 89 AD. Inscription: LEGIO XXII PF, 19 x 19 cm, fully intact. Reference: Böcking, The Romans at the lower Rhine, 1978.

4327. ROMAN LEGIONARY TILE, Fleet troup, Cologne, dates after 89 AD. The name of the fleet troups, stationed in Cologne, was CLASSIS AUGUSTA GERMANICA. This fleet was founded by Drusus. Main harbour was Cologne (Castell Cologne-Altenburg). In 89 AD the fleet was honored by Domitian and got the name PIA FIDELIS like the Legion XXII. The main service was patroling on the Rhine and later to transport goods for the Legions. Inscription: CG PF (Classis Germanica Pia Fidelis), 16 x 18 cm large fragment, very rare Legion tile, Reference: Böcking, The Romans at the lower Rhine, 1978.

4328. ROMAN LEGIONARY TILE, Trans Rhenana, dates 40 to 105 AD. From time to time tiles were found showing the inscription (full or in abbreviation) TRANS RHENANA which means "on the other side of the Rhine, (the North or right bank of the Rhine)". Up to today it is not fully clear where this brickworks was located. Because one tile of the TR was exacavated together with one of the XV Legion, the early dating 40 AD is sure. Workers in this brickwork were Soldiers of the Legio I and X. Inscription: (T)RANS RHENANA , 15 x 19 cm large fragment. Rare. Reference: Böcking, The Romans at the lower Rhine, 1978.

4329. A FINE ROMAN GREEN GLAZED JUG, 1st century AD. This is a fine example of the green glazed ceramic which is found only in Pannonia and at one place in Germany: Krefeld-Gellep. The Pannonia and the Germanic types are very similar in style but the clay is different. So the conclusion is that a potter settled over from Pannonia to Germania and had introduced this style there. Both types, the Panonnian and the Germanic are very rare. Also the museums in Praha and in Cologne only have a few examples. Complete with only a few chips, 19 cm high, Reference: Pirker, The exacavations at Krefeld-Gellep, Provenance: Old German collection.

4330. A SUPERB ROMAN BEAKER WITH MOTTO BAND, dates end of 3rd century AD. Black beaker with a motto band around. The band shows the word "SITIO" which means "Fill me". Each letter of the word is divided by a white dot. White notched lines on top and bottom (slightly faded). Manufactured in Trier, in nearly perfect condition. Very rare. 10 cm x 6,5 cm. Reference: Susanna Künzel, Die Trierer Spruchbecherkramik.

4331. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA "Kragenschüssel" (Neck-bowl ?), 3rd century AD. This bowl is the type "Dragendorff 38" with a foot, a middle and a upper rim. On the upper rim a sgrafitto can be found (likely the owner's mark). Intact, 6 x 15 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4332. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA BOTTLE, 3rd century AD. Intact, 12 x 10 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München. Very rare.

4333. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA Bowl, 3rd century. Similar to Dragendorff type 17. The rim of the plate is decorated with two flowers and two running rabbits. repaired from 3 shards. 4,5 x 16 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4334. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA Bowl, 3rd century. Similar to Dragendorff type 51. repaired from shards. 4 x 16 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4335. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA plate, 3rd century. Potter stamp SARDINIC. repaired and 2 parts restored. 17 cm Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4336. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA BOWL, with potters stamp. repaired, 2 x 3 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4337. EXTREMLY RARE TERRA SIGILLATA BEAKER, 3rd century. This beaker shows the rare "Glass cutting" decor. In conjunction with this type of shape it becomes a very rare Terra Sigillata object. One small chip (0,8 x 0,5 cm) on the body. Intact, 10 x 8 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4338. ROMAN TERRA SIGILLATA Bowl, 3rd century. The bowl shows a dog hunting a deer and other typical Samian ornaments like bands and flowers. repaired and approx 30% restored (museum restoration!), 10 x 8 cm. Reference: Terra Sigillata, Ausstellungskatalog München.

4339. ROMAN "PLEAT" BEAKER, 2nd century. Black glazed beaker of conical form. Intact, 2 small chips at rim. 12 x 11 cm. repaired and approx 30% restored (museum restoration!), 10 x 8 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4340. ROMAN TERRACOTTA URN, end of 2nd century. Ornamented with "squamas" in the upper half. A very rare type of Rhineland ceramic. Repaired with minor patching. 15 x 13 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4341. ROMAN "HONEY" VESSEL, 2nd century AD. White clay. Intact. 13 x 12 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4342. ROMAN BEAKER, 2nd century AD. Black glazed clay. Intact. 6 x 8 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4343. ROMAN BEAKER, 2nd century AD. Black glazed clay. Intact. 17 x 10 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4344. ROMAN POT with cover, conical shape with large rim. The pot is intact, the cover repaired from shards. 15 x 16 cm Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4345. ROMAN JUG, 1st - 4th century AD. White clay with one handle. The black color of one side of the jug indicates that it comes out of a grave. (The black color is based on the ashes remains). Very nice eye appeal. repaired, 25 x 18 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4346. ROMAN Vessel, black glazed. 2nd century. repaired. 12 x 12 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4347. ROMAN JUG, 1st - 4th century AD. White clay with one handle. This is a typical form of roman jugs in the Rhineland for over 300 years. Intact, 17 x 13 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4348. ROMAN JUG, 2nd - 4th century AD. White clay with one handle. The handle is twisted and the body of the jug shows a ornamental band. Nice and intact. 15 x 11 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4349. RARE ROMAN SACRIFICAL BOWL, 3rd century. White-brown clay. Ornate band on the upper rim. This type of bowls were used in sacrifical ceremonies actions to burn herbs. Intact and rare. 6 x 9 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4350. ROMAN BEAKER, 2nd century. Black to red color with very nice eye appeal. Intact, 16,5 x 8,5 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4351. ROMAN GRINDING BOWL, 2nd century. This is what mostly every Roman household had, a bowl in which some types of food were ground to make oil or meal. On the rim is a lip (chipped in this example) to pour out the result. They were made of heavy clay, in rich households of marble. The grinding device in this bowl was the former foot of a Sigillata bowl used as a grinding stone. White clay, repaired. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4352. EARLY ROMAN URN, 1st century. Brown clay, with two handles (one broken). The type of the handles shows that the urn was used as a cooking pot. Intact with some chips. 15 x 16 cm, Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4353. ROMAN URN, 2nd century. Black glazed clay with vertical ornaments. repaired. 11 x 16 cm. Reference: Gose, Die Typen rheinischer Keramik.

4354. ROMAN BRONZE LAMP, 1st century. This is a nice early roman bronze lamp with a ring handle under a lunula. The overall length is 13 cm. On the lower side is a little hole (4 mm). Intact and rare. Reference: Menzel, Die römische Lampen im römisch-germanischen Museum Mainz.

4355. A FINE ROMAN EROTIC LAMP, 1st half of 1st century. Large lamp showing a erotic scene. A young male and a female during the act. The male holds a vessel and pours something (oil ?) on her back. Large manufaturer stamp (reverse C and A) on back. 13 cm length. Intact. Reference: Menzel, Die römische Lampen im römisch-germanischen Museum Mainz.

4356. ROMAN LAMP, 2 -3rd century. Showing a dolphin and a trident. The lamp shows the manufacturer stamp. Complete and intact. 10 cm. Reference: Anawati, No. NA 270 (same disk, but other manufacturer).

4357. ROMAN LAMP, 1st century. Showing a dog (Molossian hound) running right. 8,5 cm. Complete and intact. Reference: Menzel, Die römische Lampen im römisch-germanischen Museum Mainz.

4358. A MUSEUM QUALITY ROMAN OIL LAMP, ca. 1st–2nd century AD. The terracotta lamp of circular form with volute spout, the discus ornamented with a scene depicting the myth of Leda and the swan. Leda, nude, stg. l. facing the huge spread-winged swan whose tail is visible between her thighs, nude Eros at the right assisting the swan, the egg resulting from their union visible at lower right. 3.8 inches. According to the myth, Zeus made love to Leda in the form of a swan. From this union was produced an egg from which Helen of Troy was born. A superb specimen of Classical erotic art, of the finest style. By far the best example I've carried and worthy of the finest collection.

4359. A FINE ROMAN EROTIC OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with an explicit erotic scene of a youth kneeling between the legs of a woman who reclines on a couch. 4.1 inches. Sharp choice example. Very rare this nice.

4360. A FINE ROMAN EROTIC OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with an explicit erotic scene of a youth seated on the side of a bed with a girl stradling him, maker's signature on bottom. 3.4 inches. Much detail, a choice example. Very rare this nice.

4361. A CHOICE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with the head of Silenos l., a wine cup before on the discus. 3.3 inches. Maker's mark on bottom. Of the finest classical style. Extremely rare this nice.

4362. A LARGE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with the figure of Diana of excellent style with her bow advancing r. within a laurel wreath on the discus. 4.75 inches. Excellent example.

4363. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a vine with grape bunch and two leaves on the discus. 3.8 inches. Maker's mark on bottom. Sharp excellent example.

4364. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a maenad or musician advancing l. on the discus. 3.25 inches. Sharp excellent example.

4365. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a high profile facing bust with cloak over one shoulder on the discus. 4.3 inches. Maker's signature MNOVIVSI on bottom. Sharp excellent example.

4366. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a high profile goat nibbling grapes from a vine on the discus. 3.1 inches. Maker's signature D I with rosette on bottom. Sharp excellent example.

4367. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a high profile Eros leaning on a pedestal l. on the discus. 4.2 inches. Maker's signature LCAPR on bottom. Sharp excellent example.

4368. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a high profile dove on a branch on the discus. 4 inches. Maker's signature MNOVIVSII on bottom. Sharp excellent example.

4369. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with a high profile facing male head, probably Mercury with wings on his head, on the discus. 3.75 inches. Rare type.

4370. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with volute spout, a crab on the discus. 3.7 inches. Maker's mark on bottom. Rare type.

4371. A FINE ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The lamp with volute spout, a warrior in biga galloping r. on the discus. 4.6 inches. Maker's mark on bottom. Choice example and a rare type.

4372. A RARE ROMAN LEAD OIL LAMP. Roman Syria, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The heavy lamp with a facing bust molded on the discus surrounded by four filler holes. 4.5 inches. Rare.

4373. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with volute spout and sharp rosette patterns on the discus, makers mark and vine leaf on bottom. 3.75 inches. Excellent condition.

4374. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with volute spout and sharp 'bow tie' patterns on the discus. 3.5 inches. Excellent condition.

4375. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with knob spout and sharp 'bow tie' patterns on the discus, Plantipedia maker's mark between P Y on the bottom. 3.25 inches. Excellent condition.

4376. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with volute spout and ornate laurel wreath and thunderbolt on the discus, vine leaf on bottom. 3.75 inches. Excellent condition.

4377. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with volute spout and ornate laurel wreath on the discus. 3.6 inches. Excellent condition.

4378. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with volute spout and floral design on the discus. 3.3 inches. Excellent condition.

4379. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with sub-volute spout and wreath and rhombus designs on the discus. 3.8 inches. A rarer type. Nice condition.

4380. A BETTER ROMAN TERRACOTTA OIL LAMP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The lamp with sub-volute spout and grape vine designs on the discus. 3.8 inches. A rarer type. Nice condition.

4381. A ROMAN MARBLE VOTIVE ALABASTRON. Roman Syria, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The heavy thick-walled vessel with small drilled handles and narrow central channel. 3.35 inches. Rare.

4382. A ROMAN MARBLE VOTIVE ARYBALLOS. Roman Syria, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The heavy thick-walled vessel with small drilled handles and narrow central channel. 2.75 inches. Rare.

4383. A ROMAN MARBLE VOTIVE VESSEL. Roman Syria, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The heavy thick-walled vessel with narrow central channel. 3.8 inches. Rare.

4384. A FINE ROMAN ENAMELED BROOCH, ca. 2nd century AD. The enameled plate brooch, lozenge shape with lugs. 2.1 inches. Cf. Richard Hattat, 'Visual Catalogue of Ancient Brooches' pg. 349, no. 570.

4385. A FINE ROMAN ENAMELED BROOCH, ca. 1st-2nd century AD. The composite enameled plate brooch with a molded bird on the top. 2.2 inches. Cf. Christie's 12/18/97 lot 295, Richard Hattat, Visual Catalogue of Ancient Brooches, pg. 355, no. 600.

4386. A ROMAN GLASS ARYBALLOS. Eastern Mediterranean, ca. 2nd half 1st century AD. 2.7 inches. Intact. Cf. 'Ancient Glass in the Hermitage Collection' cat. #346-348.

4387. A ROMAN GLASS BOWL. Eastern Mediterranean, ca. 3rd century AD. Thin lightly-colored ware. Cf. 'Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum', cat.# 173. 2.9 x 2.5 inches.

4388. A ROMAN WHEEL-CUT GLASS BEAKER. Rhenish workshops, ca. 4th century AD. With a wheel-cut band of pentagonal forms with central vertical wheel-cuts. For the same wheel-cut pattern see 'Glass of the Caesars', 1987, cat.# 114. 2.75 x 2.9 inches. Extremely rare.

4389. A ROMAN GLASS AMPHORA, ca. 1st century AD. 6.6 inches. Professional repair.

4390. A ROMAN GLASS VASE. Syria, ca. 4th century AD. 9.1 inches. Intact. Cf. 'Ancient Glass in the Hermitage Collection' no. 427.

4391. A ROMAN GLASS MOLD-BLOWN CUP, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. With vertical ribs and aquamarine color with applied ring handle. 3.7 x 2.7 inches. Professional repair.

4392. A ROMAN GLASS DATE FLASK. Roman Syria, ca. mid 1st-mid 2nd century AD. The Sidonian glass blown in a two part mold in the form and color of a date. 2.8 inches. Rim professionally restored. Cf. 'Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum', cat.# 87-89. Also 'Ancient Glass in the Hermitage Collection', cat. # 146-148.

4393. A ROMAN GLASS MOLD-BLOWN AMPHORISKOS. Syria, ca. second half 1st century AD. The Sidonian amythyst colored glass blown in a two part mold with applied handles of light and dark blue. 2.7 x 1.6 inches. Cf. 'Ancient Glass in the Hermitage Collection', cat. #140.

4394. ROMAN "Falten" PLEAT GLASS, dates 2nd century. Very light, white-blue glass with four pleats and a small rim. Cologne manufacturing, rare, 11 x 7 cm. Fully intact. Reference: Catalogue of the Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne.

4395. ROMAN DOUBLE BALSAMARIUM, dates 4th century AD. Blue to white glass with two handles, thin glass bands around. It is possible, that one handle is repaired, small cracks, but stable, 9,5 x 5,5 cm.

4396. A ROMAN GLASS BOTTLE, ca. 3rd century AD. The high conical neck with nine spirals of thin applied glass thread. 4 inches. Stable hairlines. Light iridescence. Rare type. Ex. Bernheimer collection with old tag.

4397. A ROMAN GLASS VIAL WITH IRIDESCENCE, ca. 2nd-3rd century AD. The 'tear' vial with considerable gold and peacock iridescence, much more than shows in the image. 4.6 inches. Intact.

4398. A ROMAN GLASS VIAL WITH IRIDESCENCE, ca. 2nd-4th century AD. The vial with spherical bottom with four pinched depressions in the sides, light silvery iridescence over most of the surface, much more than shows in the image. 3.4". Intact.

4399. A ROMAN GLASS VIAL, ca. 1st-3rd century AD. The vial with pinched waist and nice silvery peacock iridescence, light soil on the surface. 4.6 inches. Intact.