* * *
4993. Massalia, (South France), 450-400 B.C., AR Obol, youthful male head of Apollo left
Wheel with four spokes, M A in two of the quarters, de la Tour 580, gVF,
4994. JULIUS CAESAR, 100-44 B.C., Denarius, Elephant walking right, CAESAR in exergue
Sacrificial implements, Sydenham 1006, nEF, uncleaned,
4995. JULIUS CAESAR, 100-44 B.C., Denarius, Head of Venus to right, Cupid on shoulder
male and female gallic captives under trophaeum, CAESAR
minted after the victory over Vercingetorix, nEF, sharp strike, Sydenham 1014,
4996. Drusus Junior, 14 B.C. - 22 A.D., Sestertius, Twin sons of Drusus in cornuacopiae, winged caduceus
large SC, DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVF F DIVI AVG PONT TR POT II, gF to aVF, rare sestertius, RIC TIB 42,
4997. Germanicus, 15 B.C - 19 A.C., Dupondius, Germanicus in Quadriga, GERMANICVS CAESAR
Germanicus standing, holding sceptre, SIGNIS RECEPT DEVICTIS GERM SC
One of the rare Germanicus types wich were minted during his lifetime. The coin celebrate the re-conquest of the
legion standards which were lost under Varus. aVF,
4998. Nero, 54-68 A.C., As, Bust to right, IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PM MAX TRP PP
Victory flying left, holding shield, SPQR on it, SC
nice green patina, RIC 329, gVF/gVF,
4999. Nero, 54-68 A.C., Hybrid As, Bust to right, IMP NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM
Neptune standing left, holding trident (Agrippa As reverse !!), SC
This type is not a regular coin minted in Rome but a type wich is listed in RIC as very rare (maybe eastern mint),
5000. Galba, 68-69 A.C., As, Bust of Galba to right, SER GALBA IMP CAES AVG TRP
Legionary eagle between two standards, SC, RIC 275, VF/VF, bold portrait,
5001. Galba, 68-69 A.C., Denarius, Bust of Galba to right, ...SER GALB.. CAESAR AVG
Victory standing, holding palm and wreath, VF, RIC 124, small flan,
5002. Vespasian, 69-79 A.C., Fouree Denarius, Bust to right, ..SAR VESPASIANVS AVG
Busts of Titus and Domitian facing each other, ...CAESAR AVG PR..., aVF/gF, RIC 2,
5003. Domitian, As, Bust to right, IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM PM TRP VII
5004. Trajan, 98-117 A.C., Sestertius, Bust to right, ..NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP COS V PP
River god reclining left under arched grotto supported by two columns, SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, SC AQUA
TRAIANA in exergue, RIC 463, aVF/AaVF, rare,
5005. Trajan, 98-117 A.C., Sestertius, Bust to right, IMP CAESAR NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM...
River god Tiber standing, RIC aVF/aVF,
5006. Trajan, 98-117 A.C., Gold Aureus, Bust to right, IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP
Emperor standing right, holding spear, COSV PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, RIC ???, scratch on reverse, VF/VF,
5007. Trajan, 98-117 A.C., Sestertius, Bust to right, IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM..
Dacia seated left on rock, beneath her trophaum, SPQR OPTIMO..., aVF/aVF,
5008. Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.C., As, Bust to right, IMP CAES L AVREL VERVS AVG
Emperor on horse to right, PROFECTIO AVG TRP III, SC, rough surface, black patina, VF, rare, BMC 1068,
5009. Marcus Aurelius, 139-180 A.C., Dupondius, Bust to right
Victory standing right, writing VIC GER on shield, SC, very nice and bold minted portrait coin, gVF,