7641. RARE CELTIC BRONZE APPLIQUE, c. 1st-3rd century. The fine applique with the head of an Celtic god with a single horn issuing from his head. I believe I've seen another representation of this Celtic deity but can't locate it now. Or perhaps it is portraying a symbol of a group rather than a single god since it appears that the horn may be ornamenting a helmet rather than growing from the head. A group such as the Carnutes, a powerful Celtic people in the heart of independent Gaul. Carnutes has a meaning something like "the Horned Ones." The Celts viewed horns in nature and added them into depictions of gods because horns were taken to represent aggressive power, genetic vigor and fecundity. Four mounting tenons on back. Section of bottom frame lost. 2.75 inches diameter. Excessively rare! $2500.