(See list of English suffixes at bottom)
(Additions & corrections to
a(n)- (L) without
a-, ab-, abs-(L.) away from, aversion (abductor, abstract). Also (ef-)
abduc- lead from
acanth- prickle
acer- without horns
acetabul- vinegar cup
aceto- acid
acin- cluster of grapes
acri- acrid, sharp
acro- summit, top
acti(n, no)- (G) a ray
acust- (G) acoustic, of hearing
ad- (L.) to, towards (adductor) When used as a prefix the d is sometimes changed to
the first consonant of the following word, e.g., acclimate, afferent,
assimilate; As a suffix it means towards the part of the body indicated by word
to which it is suffixed, e.g., cephalad, towards the head; caudad, towards the
tail (also f-)
adipo- fat
adventit- coming to
aegopod- goat-foot
aestiv- (L) summer
affer- carrying to
agrest- rural, wild
agro(st)- field
ala(i)- (L.) wing (alar, alate, aliform, alisphenoid)
alb(i, u)- (L) white (albino)
allant- sausage
allium garlic
alopec- fox
altissim- tall
alve- pit, socket
alveol? (L) to walk
amb-(L.) both, on both sides (ambivalent, amboceptor)
ambly- blunt
ambul(a)- (L) walk (amble, ambulatory)
ammo- sand
amnio- fetal envelope
amoeb- change
amphi- (G) both (sides of) (Amphineura)
amplex- clasping
ampulla- flask
amygdala- almond shaped organ
amyl- (L) starch (amylase)
an- (G) not, without (anuria)
ana- up, back, again
anatol- east
Anagallis- delightful
anchus- bend, bay
andr(o)- (G) male, man (androgen)
anemo- wind
angi- vessel
angul- angle
angusti- narrow
ankylo- stiff jointed
annu- annual
annul- (L) a small ring (Annelida)
anom(o)- (G) lawless, irregular, abnormal, unusual (Anomura)
anser- geese
ante- (L.) before, in front of (antebrachium,
anth(o)- (G) flower
anthr(o) anthrop(o)- (G) human, man (anthropology)
anti- (G) against, opposite
antr- cave
apex, apic- tip, point (apex)
apo- separate, from
aqu-aqua- (L.) water (aquarium, aquatic, aqueous humor)
aguilin- eagle-beaked
arach- spider
arbor(i)- (L.) tree (Arbor Vitae, arboreal, arboretum)
arc- (L.) arch, bow, bent (arciform, Arcopetera,
arch(ae/i)- (L) ancient, first, beginning, primitive
arct(i/o)- north, bear
are- (L.) area, open space (a. opaca, areolar)
aren(i)- (L) sand, sandy (arena)
-aria (L.) suffix denoting "like" or
"connected with" - (Utricularia)
-arium suffix denoting place of a thing (aquarium,
arg(en/lyr) (L.) argent-silver (argentaffin, argentine)
arthro- (G) joint (arthritis)
artic- jointed
artio- even-numbered
arundin- reed-like
asc- (G) sac, sack, back (ascon)
ascendens-(L.) ascending, rising, going up (aorta ascendens)
asper- rough
aspid- shield
ast(e)r- (G) star (asteroid, aster)
astrag- dice (originally a knuckle bone)
-ata (L) neuter plural ending of perfect participle used as
suffix to the name of some structure and signifying a group of organisms
characterized by that structure (Chordata, Vertebrata)
ater, atra- black
Atlas= a Titan (mythical giant) who supported the world on
his shoulders
atr(ium,a)- (L.) vestibule, entrance, room (atrial,
atri(o)- (G-L) ear (auricle, auricular)
Atropos= one of the Fates who cut the thread of life
aur- (L.) gold gold (aureus, Aurococcus)
aur- (L.) 1. aur (auroduct, Aurophysa); 2. ear (auropuncture)
auricul- (L.) dim of auris - ear (auricle, auricular)
austral- southern
auto- (G) self
(automobile, autotrophic)
aux- grow
av(i)- (L.) aves, bird
axis- (L.) axis, axle-tree (axial, epaxial, hypaxial)
azyg- unpaired
baca- small berry
baccatus- berried
bacter-, bactr- (G) same (bacterium)
baena- walking
balan- acorn
barb- beard
basi(s,es)- (G) at the bottom, base (basilar, basipodite)
basidi-(G) pedestal (basidium, Basidiomycetes,
basil- (G) king, royal, important (basilic, Basiliscus)
bath-, bathy- (G) depth or height (Bathornis,
bat(is) skate, ray
bdella- sucker
bell- pretty
benth(o) – (G) depth of the sea – (benthic)
bi- (L.) two, double, twice (bisiliac, bilateral, binocular, biped)
bi(ola)- (G) life (biology)
blast(o)- (G) germ, bud, sprout (blastula, blastoderm,
bol –(G) - to throw – (anabolism)
bore- north (boreal)
botry- small bunch of grapes
bov- ox
brachium(a)- (L) arm (brachial, brachio-)
brachy- (G) short (brachydactyly, brachycephalic)
brady- (G) slow (bradycardia)
branch (o) - G - arm - brachiopoda
branch(io)??- (G) gill,
air passage (brachia?, (branchia, branchial, Lamellibranch, branchio-)
branchi??(brachi?) – (G)
air passage
brevis- (L) short
(caput breve, breviflex, breviradiate)
brizo- to nod
bromo- oats, broom, shadow
bronch(us)- (G) windpipe, air tubes (bronchial, bronchoscope)
bryo- (G) moss (bryology, Bryophyta, Bryozoa)
bucca(i,o?)- (L) cheek or mouth cavity (buccal)
bulbos- bulbous
bulla- bubble, flask
bullat- wrinkled
buno- hill
bursa(ae)- (L) pouch, purse (B. omentalis, bursate, bursitis)
cac- (G) bad (cachexia, cacophony)
caduci- temporary
caec- (L) blind (caecum)
caen(o) (cene, kaen,
ken)- (G) new, recent (Cenozoic,
caerul- sky blue
caespit- tufted
calam- reed, aspen
calc(i)- (L) lime, stone
calli- beautiful
callos callous
calor- heat
calyx cup, chalice
camp- field
campanula bell
cani- dog
cap(it)- (L) head (capital)
capill- hair
capsella- small box
card(i,o)- (G) heart (cardiac)
carin- keel
carn(i)- (L) flesh (carnivore)
carotid- producing stupor
carp(o)- (L) seed, wrist (carpus)
cary- nut
cat(a,o)- (G) downwards (catabolism, catalyst)
spelled kata
caud(o,a)- (L) tail (caudal)
cav- hollow
cele- (G) tumor, hernia (celosomia, hydrocele)
cello- (G) belly (celiac, cellotomy) Also coelio
cen- (G) empty, void (cenosis) Also ken-(kenophobia)
cene-(kene)- (G) recent (cenogenesis, pliocene)
centi- hundred
centr (i,o) - L - center
- centrosome
centrum- (G) center (centrifuge, centroacinar)
ceph(al(e,o))- (G) head
(cephalopod, cephalic, encephalon)
cera(s)(t)- horn
cerc(a,o)- (G) horns, lobes, short tail
cerc (a,o) - G - tail of
beast – cercaria
cerebro- brain
cerv- neck
ch(e)ir- hand
chaero- to please
chaet(e,i,o)- (G) bristle, hair (chaetognatha, Oligochaeta)
chamae- on ground
chel- turtle
chel (i,o) - claw –
cheno- goose
chiasm- crossing
chil(o)- (G) lip
chir (o) – G
– hand (chiropractor, chiropodist, chirurgeon, Chiroptera)
chiton – G – a
tunic – chiton, chitin
chlamy- outer garment
chlor(o)- (G) green
(chloroplast, chlorophyll)
choan(o)- (G) funnel (choanocyte)
chond(r,ro)- (G) cartilage, granular (chondrocyte)
chord- (G) cord, string (notochord)
chorion membrane
chrom(o), chromato- (G) color
(chromatophore, chromosome,
chromatin, achromatic)
chrys- golden
chyl- fluid
chym- juice
cili- (L) eyelash
ciner- ashen, grey
cipit- head
circum- around
cirr- tentacle (originally curl)
cl(e)ist- closed
clad- branch
clast- broken
clav- key
cleid- key
cleithr- bar, key
clin- bed, recline
cloaca sewer
clitell – L –
a pack saddle – clitellum
cloaca – L – a
coccus berry, grain
cochl- shell
coel(i,o)- (G) hollow
(coelenteron, coelom,
Coelenterata) same as cello.
coen(o) – G –
common – coenosarc
col(on) large intestine
coll- neck
collat- borne together
colous – L –
columella little column
com- (L) with, together (commensal)
commis- sent out
communis- colonial
commutat- changed
compact- compact
compress- flattened
con- with
conch- shell
condyl- knuckle
cono- cone
contra- opposite
convolvo- to entwine
cop– G – oar – copepoda
copro- dung
cora(xlg)- raven
corb- basket
cord- heart
corium- leather
corn(i)- (G) horn (cornified)
coron- crown
corp- body
cort- bark
cost- rib
cotyl- cup
cox- (o) – L – hip – coxopodite
crani(o)- (L) skull (cranium)
crass- thick
crep- shoe
cribi- sieve
cric- ring
crispus curled
crist- crest
crosso- fringe, tassel
cru(rals)- shank
cruci- cross-like
crypt(o)- (G) hidden (cryptology, cryptic, crypt)
cten(o)- (G) comb (ctenidum)
cusp- lance, point
cuti- skin
cyan- blue
cyano– G – dark blue – hemocyanin
cycl(o)- (G) circular, round (bicycle)
cyno- dog
cyst(i,o)- (G) capsule, bladder (cystic, sporocyst)
cyt(o)- (G) cell,
hollow (cytology, leucocyte, cyton, cytoplasm)
dactyl(o)- (G) finger (pterodactyl)
dasy- shaggy
deca – G – t
en – Decapoda
deci- ten
de(cid)- (L) falling off, down, from, off (deciduous)
decuss- cross banding
deka- ten
delph- womb
delphis- dolphin
demi- half
dendr(o)- (G) tree, bush (dendrite)
dent(s,l)- (L) tooth (dental)
derm(o), dermat- (G) skin, hide (dermatology, dermal, dermis,
dermatome, pachyderm)
dero- persisting
desmo- band
deut- second
dextro- right
di(a)- (G) two, double (dioecious)
dia- (G) through (diathermy, dialysis, diaphragm,
didym- twin
digit- finger
din(a,o)- (G) terrible (dinosaur)
diplo- (G) double (diploblastic, diploid, diplomat)
dipso- thirst
dis-, di- (G) apart from, asunder (dissect, diverge)
dissect- deeply cut
dodeca- twelve
-dont- (L) tooth
dorm – L -
to sleep – dormant
dors(i,o)- (L) back (dorsal)
drilus(i)- (G) worm, lizard - combining forms of names of worms,
(Megadrili, Microdili) Also
drom- quick running (dromedary)
dubi- doubtful
dulci- sweet
duo- two
dur(a)- (L) hard (durable)
dys- (G) difficult, painful, ill (dyspnea, dysgenic,
echino- (G) spiny, hedgehog (Echinodermata, echinous)
echis- viper
eco- house
ecto, ec- (G) outside, out of (ectoderm, ecdysis, ectopic,
ectoplasm) Also for oec
effer- carrying away
effusus- loosely spreading
ejacul- throw out
elasmo- plate, flat
elat- tall
-ell- diminutive
em- (G) in (empyema)
embio- living
embol- thrown in
emys- (G) tortoise - prefix and suffix of names (Emysuchus,
en- (G) in (encapsulate, encysted)
endo- (G) inside (endoderm, endoplasm, endocrine)
engy- narrow
ensi- sword
enteron – G
– a gut
ento, enter- (G) inside
eo- (G) dawn, east (Eocene, Eoanthropus, eocene,
epi- (G) upon, on top of (epidermis, epinephrine, epistasis)
equi- horse, equal
erect- upright
erythr(r,ro)- (G) red, reddish (erythrocyte, erythrophyl,
esculent- edible
eso – G –n
to carry, bear – esophagus
ethm- (G) sieve, strainer (ethmo-, ethmoid)
ethn(i,o)- (G) people, race (ethnic, ethnology)
eu- (G) good, well, very, true, exceedingly (Eutheria,
eury- wide
ex- (G) out of, from, out (exostosis, excurrent)
exiguus- slender
ex(o)- (L,G?) outside, on the outside (exocrine,
extens- draw out
extra- beyond
extrins- coming from
fab- bean
falc- sickle-shaped
fallax- false
fasc(ic)- bundle
fatuus- foolish, useless
feli- cat
fer- (L) carry, bear (porifera)
ficar- fig-like
fil- (L) thread, filament
fistul- hollow, tube
flacc- flabby
flav- yellow
flexu- wavy
flocculus- lock of wool
fluitans- floating
foen- hay
foetid- foul smelling
foli- leaf
fontan- fountain
foramen(i)- (L) opening, hole, perforation (foraminifera)
fornix- vault
fovea- shallow round depression
fruticans- shrubby
fund- to pour
furc(ul)- fork
gal- milk
-gale- (G) weasel, martin, cat - suffix of names of
cat-like animals (Spilogale, Boreogale; also Galeodes)
gall- of France
gam (o) – G
– marriage, wife – (gamete,
gametophyte, cryptogram, monogamy)
gangli- (G) knot (ganglion)
gano- shining
gast(e)r(o)- (G) stomach,
pouch (gastropod, gasterangiemphraxis,
gastro-, gastrula)
ge(o)- (G) earth (geology, geotropism)
gemin- twins
gemm- bud
genu- knee, joint
gen-, geno-, -geny,
genesis (G) bring to life, create,
make (gene, genetics, genotype, parthenogenesis, sporogenous, zymogen)
genesis – G
– a beginning, to be born
geranium- crane
gerro- shield
gladi- sword
glen- socket
glia(glea?)- (G) glue (mesoglea)
glom(er)- (L) half of yam?, a ball (glomerulus)
glo(ss/tt) (glottis)- (G) tongue (proglottid)
glut- sticky
gl(uly)c- glyc (o,y) – G – sweet – glycogen
glypt- carved, engraved
gnaph- wool
gnath(o)- (G) jaw (Gnathostomata)
goni- angle
gon(o)- (G) seed, sperm, sexual (gonad)
gracil- slender
gram- (G) writing (diagram, electrocardiogram)
gram- of grass
graph(y)- (G) writing (kymograph)
gymn- (G) naked (gymnasium)
gyn, gynec- (G) woman, wife (gynander, gynecology)
gyr- turning (gyrate)
haem(o,ato)- (G) blood (hematology)
hal- salty
hal – L – to
breathe – inhale
hallu(x/ci)- big toe
hamat- hook
hapl(o)- (G) single, simple (haploid, haplotype)
hasta(t)- spear-tip shape
hect- hundred
heira- hawk
helios, helio- (G) sun (heliotropism, Heliotropium, Heliozoa)
helm(inth)- (G) worm (Platyhelminthes)
helo- wart
hemi- (G) half, incomplete (hemisphere, Hemichordata,
hemiazygos, Hemiptera)
hepa(r/t)- (G) liver (hepatitis, hepatic, hepatectomy)
hepta- seven
hetero- (G) different, other (heterodont, heterosexual, heterosis,
heterozygote, heterodont)
hex- (G) six (Hexacorallia)
hibem- winter
hippo- horse
hirudin – L
– leech – Hirudinea
hirsut- hairy
hispid- bristly
histo – G –
tissue, web – (histology, histocyte, (also histiocyte), histogenesis)
histri- actor
holo- (G) complete, whole, entire (holoblastic,
holophytic, holozoic, holism)
holothuri _ G –sea
cucumber – Holothuroidea
hom(in)- (L) man, (Homo)
hom(o)- (G) the same, alike (homologous, homogenize,
homozygote, Homoptera)
homeo- (G) like (homeopath)
homal- flat
hormon- that which excites
hortens- of gardens
humus- ground
hyal- (G) glassy (hyaline)
hydr(o)- G – water – (hydration, hydrolysis,
hydrophobia, anhydrous, hydrophilic)
hyemal- winter
hyo- U-shaped
hyper- (G) above, over, excessive (hypertonic, hypertrophy)
hypn- (G) sleep (hypnosis)
hypo- (G) beneath, under, lower, deficient (hypotonic, hypoglossal, hypostasis)
hystero- (G) womb, uterus (hysterectomy, hysteropexy,
ichthy(o)- (G) fish (ichthyology)
-ida- like
-idae- ending of zoological family names
ileum- twisted
impar- unpaired
in- in, not
-in- diminutive
-inae- ending of zoological sub-family names
incarnat- flesh coloured
incis- cutting in
incus- anvil
inermis- unarmed
inflexis- rigid
infra- under
inter- (L) between (intercostals)
intercal – L
– inserted = intercalated
intr(a)- (L) within, inside (intrinsic)
iod- violet
-iola- diminutive
iris- rainbow
is(o)- (G) equal (isotonic, isotonic, isosmotic, isomer,
-ite, -ites, -it is (G) 1)
division of body (somite) 2) salt
or ester of an -ous acid (sulphite)
iter- passage
-ites- (G) suffix denoting
pertaining to (ascites); fossil
form (Ammonites)
-it is- (G) suffix denoting
inflammation (appendicitis)
-ize- (G) denominative verb
form used as suffix (catheterize, anaesthetize). Also
spelled ise
jug- (L) to join, marry, yoked together (conjugate)
jungoljunc- to bind
ket- ketone
kerat – G –
horn, keratin
kilo- thousand
kineto– (G) moveable, motion – kinetochore
labi- (L) lip(s) (labia)
labyrinth- tortuous passage
lacer- torn (lacerate)
lacrim- tears
lact(i,e)- (L) milk (lactic, lactose)
lacuna- space
laevo- left
lagena- flask
lamell(a,i)- (L) leaf, layer (lamellar, lamellibranch)
lan(at)- wool
lanceol(at)- lance-shaped
lati- broad
lecith(al)- (G) egg yolk (lecithin)
lemm- skin, husk
lens- lentil, bean
leo(n)- lion
lepid- scale
lepto- slender
leuc-, leuko-
(G) white leucocyte, leucopenia, leukemia
levator- lifter
lign- wood (lignin)
ligul- strap-shaped
lin- line (linear)
ling- tongue (linguistic)
lip(i,o)- (G) fat (lipid, liposuction)
lith(i,o)- (G) stone (otolith, lithograph, lithic)
log(y), log- (G) discourse, word, study, doctrine (zoology, analog(ue),
biology, homologous)
loph- crest
lumen- cavity
luna- moon
lupus wolf
lute- yellow
lymph- clear water
lysis, lys, lyt- loosen, unfasten, dissolve (analysis, proteolytic)
-ma, mata- (G) indicating the result of an action (empyema,
macr(o)- (G) large (macromere, macrocyte, macrophage,
macul(a)- (L) spot, stain (immaculate)
magni- large
maj- greater
mala- cheek
malleus- hammer, mallet
mamm(a)- (L) breast, teat (Mammalian, mamma)
mandib- (L) to chew?, lower jaw (mandible)
manu- hand
maritim- of the sea
marsupi(um)- (G) pouch (Marsupialia)
masseter- chewer
mast- nipple
masti (c,g) – G
– whip – Mastigophora
mat(e)ri- mother
maxi- large
maxilla(a)- (L) jaw, jaw bone (maxilliped)
maxim- greatest
meatus- passage
medi- medium
medull- marrow
mega, meg, megal(o)- (G) large, great (megaladon, megaspore,
megalomania, acromegaly)
mel(l)i- honey
melan- (G) black (melanin, melanophore)
menin(x,g)- (G) membrane (meninges)
meno- moon
mer- part
mes(en,o)- (G) middle (mesentery, mesoderm)
meta- (G) after, with?, beyond, change or transformation
(metathorax, metaphysics, metabolism,
metamorphosis, metaphase, metencephalon);
metabola - combining form referring to type of metamorphosis
meter, metr- (G) measure (thermometer, biometry)
micro(a)- (G) small (microscope, micron)
milli- thousand
min- smaller
minim- smallest
mio – G –
less, smaller –(miolecithal, miocene)
mirabile- wonderful
miss- sent
mito- thread
mixi- mingle
moll(i)- (L) soft (Mollusca)
monil- string of beads
mono- (G) single, one (Monotremata, monosaccharide,
montan- of mountains
morph(o)- (G) form, structure (morphology, metamorphosis,
polymorphonuclear, amorphous)
motor- mover
muc (o) – L
– mucous
multi- many
mural- walls
muri- mouse
muta – L –
to change – mutation
myces, mycetes- (G) fungus (mycelium, mycology, mycosis); used both as prefix and suffix in names, e.g.,
Mycetozoa, Schizomycetes
myel- (G) marrow (myelencephalon, myelin, myelitis,
myeloblast, myelocyte, myelogenous, myeloid, poliomyelitis)
my(o), mys- (G) (mutation?) 1) mouse - used as prefix and suffix
of names of mouselike animals, e.g. Mysateles, Geomys. Must not be confused
with emys (q.v.). 2) muscle (from mouse shape) - endo-, peri-, epimysium,
myasthenia, myalgia. Usually in form
of myo: myology, myocardium, myotome, myomere, myometrium
myri- countless
myco- mucous, mucus (mycocyte, Mycobacteriaceae)
myx- (G) slime, mucus (Myxinoidei, myxedema, Myxomycetes)
myz- sucker
na(rls)- nose
nar (i) – L
– nostril – nares
nas (i) – L
– nose nasal
necro- (G) dead (necrosis, necrotic)
necto- swimming
nema- hair
nemoral- in woods
neo- (G) new, recent (neophyte, neopallium, neoplasm)
nephr(i,o)- (G) kidney (nephritis)
neur(i,o)- (G) nerve (nerology)
nictitat- winking
nigr- black
noct – L –
night – nocturnal
nomm?, nom – G
– law –(taxonomy,
non- not
nona- nine
noth- spurious
notho- southern
not(o)- (G) back, south (notochord)
nu(clx)- nut
nuch- back of neck
nucle(nuc(i))- little nut, kernal (nucleus)
nud(i)- (L) naked (nudibranch)
nulli- none
nutans- nodding
obtect- (G) concealed
obturat- closed
obtusi- blunt
occiden- Western
occip- back of head
ocell – L –
a little eye – ocellus
oct(o)- (L) eight (octopus)
odont(o)- (L) tooth (odontophore, odontology, homodont,
odor- fragrant
oec, ec (o0 or oiko
– G – house – (dioecious,
ecology, economy)
oecious- house of
oed(I,o)- (G) swollen, to swell (edema)
oen- wine
oesoph- gullet
officinal- used in medicine
-oid- (G) like (neuroid, toxoid)
olecran- skull of elbow
oleo- oily
olfact- (L) smelling, to smell (olfactory)
olig(o)- (G) few (Oligochaeta, Oligocene, oligodendroglia,
oliva- olive
omaso- paunch
oment- fat skin
omm(a)a(to)- (G) eye (ommatidium)
omo- shoulder
omphalo- navel
ont(o)- (G) existing,
being (ontogeny, ontology, paleontology, ontogeny)
oo- ošn- (G) egg (oogonium) (oštheca, cumulus
op(t)- eye ophithalmo- (ophthalmoscope)
opercul(I,um)- (L) little cover, cover, lid (operculum)
ophi- snake
ophthal(mo)- (G) eye (ophthalmic)
opisth(o)- (G) behind, at the back (opisthobranchia, opisthocoelus,
opisthotic, Opisthocesmia)
-opsis- (G) sight, appearance - suffix to animal names signifying
similarity to another animal - Doridopsis, similar to Doris
opoter- either
or- (L) mouth (oral)
orbi- circle
orch- testicle
oriental- Eastern
ornith(o), ornis,
ornith- (G) bird (ornithology, Alcippornis,
ornithology, Neo-ornithes)
ortho- (G) straight (Orthoptera, orthogenesis,
Orthoptera, orthopedist)
-osis- (G) denoting a condition (leucocytosis,
os(ti)- (L) mouth
os(s/te), osteo- (L) bone (osteology, Teleostei)
osti – L –
door – ostium
ostrac shell
ot(o)- (G) ear (otolith,
otalgia, otic, otology)
ovi- sheep
ov(i,o)- (L) egg
oxys, oxus- (G) sharp,
pointed (Amphioxus, oxygen, Oxyura)
pachy- (G) thick (pachyderm)
paed- (G) child (paedognesis)
palin- (G) again, back (palingenesis)
palae, pale(o)- (G) old, ancient (paleontology, paleocene)
palli(um)- mantle
pallid- pale
palp – L – a
feeler (palpitate)
palustri- in marshes
pan, pant- (G) all panspermy, pangenesis, panthothenic)
par(a)- (G) near, beside (parapodia, parathyroid,
parachordal, Paranoia); combining form
of names denoting close relationship to principal form - Parapeneus
parie(t)- (L) wall (parietal)
partheno – G
– virgin (parthenogenesis)
path-, pathy- (G) suffer, pain (pathology, sympathetic)
parvi- little
patella- small dish
patens- spreading
pauro- (G) little, few - combining form of names denoting
fewness of some structure - Pauropoda
pect(or)- chest
pectin- comb-like
ped(i)- (L) foot, child (pedal, pediatrics, pedagogue)
pelag( i,o ) – G
– the sea - pelagic
pell (i) – L
– skin – pellicle
pellucid- shining through
pene- almost
penia- (G) poverty, reduced amount (leucopenia, penury)
pent- G – five – pentadactyl
per(i)- (G) through, beyond, around (periosteum,
pericardum, perineurium, perimetrium)
peregrin- foreign
peri- (G) around (perimeter, perigrine falcon)
persic- peach
petr- rock
phaeo- dark
phag(o)- (G) eat, devour (phagocyte, phagocytosis,
bacteriophage, anthropophage)
phalan(g/x)- close formation of troops
phalar- shining
phaner(o)- (G)
visible, manifest (Phanerogam, phaneroscope)
pharmac- (G) drug (pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacology)
phase- (G) appearance - one of the stages of development -
metaphase; a distinct portion of a heterogenous system, e.g. oil and water
pheno- (G) appearance (phenotype, phenology)
pher- carry
phil- (G) love, loving (eosinophil, hydrophil,
hemophilia, philanthropy)
phloe- tree bark
-phob- (G) hating (hydrophobe, hydrophobia, Helophobius)
phor(o)- (G) carry, bearer of (chromatophore)
pho(s/to)- (G) light (photosynthesis, photoscopic)
phragm- fence
phren- (G) 1) diaphragm (diaphragm). 2)mind (phrenology, aphrenia)
phyl- (G) tribe, race (phylum, phylogeny, phyletic)
phyll- (G) leaf (phyllotaxis, chlorophyll)
physa- bladder
physio- (G) 1) nature, constitution (physics, physiology,
physique 2) growth (epiphysis,
hypophysis, apophysis)
phyto- (G) plant (phytopathology, Thallophyta,
pil- hair
pinea- pine cone
pinnat- feather-shaped
pisum- pea
pisc- fish
plac- plate, tablet
plagio- oblique
plan- flat
platy- (G) flat, broad (Platyhelminthes, Platypus,
plec(o/t)- twist, pluck
pleio- (G) more (pleiocene, pleiotropia)
pleist- (G) most (pleistocene)
pleo- (G) more (pleomorphism, pleonasm, pleochromatic
plesio- (G) near (plesiomorphism, Plesiosaurus)
pleth- full
pleur- (G) side (pleura, pleural, pleurisy,somatopleure)
plex- interwoven
plica- fold
plum- feather
pneu(mo/st), pneuma,
pneumat- (G) air, lung, breath (pneumatic,
pneumon [lung])
pod- (G) foot (pseudopod, pseuodpodium, Cephalopod)
pogo- beard
poikilo- (G) manifold (poikilothermous, poikilocyte)
polio- grey
polit- polished
poll(ex)- thumb
poly- (G) many (polybasic, polychromatic, polymer,
polymorphic, polyp); poly and pous -
foot; Combining form of names, meaning many of some structure (Polyodontidae)
pons- bridge
porc- pig
porphyr- purple
porta- gate
post- L – after – posterior
potam- river
potero- drinking cup
praeco- early
pratens- in meadows
pre- (L) before (precede)
prim(i)- (L) first (primary)
pro- (G) in front of, before (prostomium, prophase, pronephros)
proct- anus
procumbens- lying flat
profund- deep
proliger- bear offspring
prom- first
proso- front
prostratus- lying flat
prot(o)- (G) first, primitive (protoplasm, protein,
prote- (G) Proteus, a god who could change his form at will
- protean, Proteo- combining form
of names denoting changeable shape (Proteomyxa, Proteosoma)
prunus- plum
psamma- sand
pseud- (G) false (pseudopod, pseudostratified); combining form of names signifying not true form (Pseudopallene)
psyche- (G) mind (psychic, psychobiology, psychopathic,
psycho- mind
psychro- cold
pter-, ptery-, pterid- (G) wing, fern (pterygoid,
Pteridophyta, Crossopterygii, Pterodactyl)
-ptera- (G) suffix denoting type of wing of many orders of
insects (Diptera); also winged
mammals (Chiroptera)
ptyal- saliva
pubescens- downy
pubi- sexually mature
pulmo- (L) lung (pulmonary)
pungens- pungent
pusill- very small (pusillanimous)
pycn- (G) thick, dense (pycnidium, pycnotic)
pyel- (G) pan, pelvis (pyelitis, pyelogram)
pyg(o)- (G) rump, buttocks (pygalgia, Pygopodes,
cytopyge, steatopygous)
pyl- (G) gate (Thermopylae)
pyo-, py- (G) (pyemia, pyogenic, Pyococcus, pyorrhea)
pyr(o)- (G) heat, fire
(pyrexis, pyrogenic, pyromania, pyromania, pyrophobia)
pyrus- pear
quadr- (L) four (quandrangle)
quarter- (L) four
quin(t/que)- five
rach- spine
radi- root
radi – (o) –
L – a ray – Radiolaria
ram- branching
ran- frog
rapa- turnip
raph(e)- (G) seam (raphe anococcygea, raphe scroti)
-raphy- (G) suturing, stitching (cardiorrhaphy)
rect- straight
reflex- bent back
ren- kidney
repens- crawling
reptans- crawling
retic- network
retina- little net
retro- behind, backward
rhabd- rod
rhach- spine
rhage- (G) tear, rent, burst (hemorrhage)
rhe- (G) flow (rheobase, rheotropism); when preceded by a short vowel another r added:
diarrhea, catarrh, hemorrhoids
rhex- (G) rupture (cardiorhexis)
rhin- nose, snout
rhiz(o)- (G) root (rhizome, mycorrhiza, Rhizopoda)
rhod(o)- (G) red (rhododendron, rhodopsin, rose)
rhynch- snout
-rrh- flow (catarrh)
rode- gnaw
rogos- wrinkled
rostr(i)- (L) beak, prow (rostrum)
rota- tum, wheel (rotation)
rub(e)r- (L) red
rumen- throat
sacchar- sugar
saccul- little sac
sacr- sacred
sagitta- arrow
sal- salt
salpinx, salping- (G) trumpet - the Fallopian and Eustachian tubes (salpingitis,
sanguini- bloody (cheerfully optimistic)
sanus(a,um)- (G) healthy - sane (sanity)
sapon- soapy
sapr- (G) rotten (sapremia, saprine, saprophyte,
sarc, sarx- (G) flesh (Sarcodina, sarcoma, sarcomere,
sarcoplasm, sarcostyle)
sativus- cultivated
saur(o)- (G) lizard (dinosaur)
scala- ladder (to scale)
scalene- uneven
scaph- (G) anything hollow, bowl, ship, skiff (scaphocephalic,
schizo- split
scler- (G) hard (sclera, sclerectomy, sclerosis,
scop- (G) gaze, small owl, broom, shadow, to see (scopophobia,
scut- shield
scyph- cup
seba- tallow, wax
sect- cut
segetum- in cornfields
selen- moon
sella- saddle, seat
semi- half
sepsis, septic- (G) putrefaction,
rotting, infection (antiseptic, septicemia)
sept- seven, wall
ser(olu)- any body fluid
serot- late
serrat- saw-toothed
sesemo- (G) seed of sesame plant (sesemoid)
set- hair
sex- six
schisto- (G) split, cleaved (schistocyte, Schistosoma)
schiz- (G) split, cleave (shizaxon, Schizomycetes,
sial- (G) saliva (sialaden, sialagogue, sialorrhea)
sider- (G) iron (siderism, siderophil, siderosis)
sigma- (G) letter s shape - sigma reaction, sigmoid flexure
simi- monkey
sinus- hollow, bay
sipho- tube
sito- (G) food (sitology, stiotoxin, sitotropism,
skia- (G) shadow (skiagram, skiascopy, skiodan)
sol- (L) sun (solar)
soma(t)- (G) body (somatic, somatology, somatoplasm,
somatopleure, somite, chromosome)
somni- sleep
specios- showy
sperm(at)- (G) seed (sperm-aster, spermatic, spermatid,
spermatocyte, Spermatophyta, spermatozoon, spermatozoid)
sphen- (G) wedge (sphenoid, sphenopalatine, sphenotic)
sphinct- (G) closing, that which binds, band - pyloric
sphincter, sphincter pupilae, sphincteroscope
sphygmo- (G) pulse (sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer,
spinos- spiny
spir- (G) coil (spiral, spireme, Spirochaeta, Spironema)
splanch- (G) internal organs (splanchnic, splanchnopleure)
spondyl- (G) vertebra (spondylarthritis, spondylosis,
spor- (G) seed (sporangium, spore, sporogeny, Sporozoa)
squalid- squalid
squam- scale (Squamata)
squarros- spreading at tips
stae(rlt)- fat
sta(silt)- standing
stasis, stat- (G) standing still (hemostasis, hemostat, static)
stadium- (G) a measure - stage of disease, interval in
staphyl- (G) bunch of grapes, the uvula (staphylitis,
steg- covering
stell- star
steno- (G) narrow (stention, stenopeic, stenosis)
stear-, steat- (G) fat (steapsin, stearin, steatopygous)
stereo- (G) solid (stereocilium, stereoisomer,
steril- sterile
stern(um)- (G) breastbone, chest (sternebra,
stom(a, at, ati, ato, o) – G – mouth – stomadeum
strat- layer
strept- twisted
stetho- (G) chest (stethemia, stethograph, stethoscope)
stoma, stomata, -stomy- (G) mouth (stomodaeum, enterostomy
strictus- upright, stiff
stigma, stigmat- (G) mark (astigmatism, stigmatic, stigmatodermia)
strepto- (G) twisted, curved (strepticemia, Streptococcus,
Streptothrix, streptotrichal)
strigos- having stiff bristles
strobil – G
– anything twisted – strobila
stroph- turning
styl- (G) column, pillar, beam (style, styliform,
styloid, stylus)
sym, syn- (G) together (symbiosis, symphysis, syncytium,
synapse, synthesis)
syrinx, syring- (G) pipe, tube (Syringa, syringe, syringomyelia)
sub- (L) below, under (sublingual)
sucr- sugar
sulc- furrow
super- (L) beyond, over (supercede)
supin- lying back
supra- (L) above (suprarenal)
sutur- seam (suture)
sym- with (symbiotic)
syn- with
syrin(glx)- pipe
sys- with
tach(y)- (G) fast, swift, speed (tachometer, tachycardia)
tact- (L) touch (tactile)
taenia- ribbon
talus- ankle
tapetum- carpet
tard- late
tarsus- ankle
tarsus- (G) wicker-work frame - instep (tarsale, metatarsal,
tax(i, is) – G
arranging, arrangement, order (phyllotaxis,
tect- covered (protect, tectonic)
tegmen- covering
tel(e/o)- far, end, distant (telecephalon, telephase or
teleo- complete
temno- cut
tenacul- holding
tentaculi – L
– a feeler – tentacle
tentor- spread like a tent
tenuis- slender
tera-, terat- (G) monster (teratism, teratology, teratosis)
ter(ti)- three
teres- round
tetanus- (G) tension (tetanic, tetanotoxin, tetany)
tetr(a)- (G) (tetrabasic, tetrad, tetravalent)
textilis- of textiles
thalam- (G) chamber, bed, bedroom (thalamencephalon,
thalamic, thalamocortical)
thalass- sea
thallus- (G) young shoot (Thallophyta, thallospore)
theca(ae)- (L) case, covering, sheath, a box (theca
folliculi, thecitis, thecodont, oštheca)
thel- (G) nipple, female (thelitis, thelium, epithelium)
ther- (G) wild beast (Therapsids, Theromorphia, -therium); English: -there(s); combining form of names of
mammals (Eutheria, Titanotherium or Titanothere)
therm- (G) heat (therm, thermal, thermometer,
thermopile, thermos, isotherm, homothermous)
thero- breast, mammal
thio- (G) sulphur (thioacid, Thiobacillus, thiophilic)
thorax, thorac- (G) breastplate, chest (thoracic, thoracolumbar)
thrix, trich- (G) hair (Ulothrix, Trichina, trichinosis)
thrombus- (G) clot (thrombin, thrombogen, thrombosis)
thyme- (G) (pro. time) (thymene, thymol)
thymus- (G) excrescence, gland (thymectomy, thymocyte)
thyre(o)- (G) large shield (thyreoid or thyroid, thyroxin)
tinctori- of dyes (tincture of iodine)
tome, tomy- (G) cut (myotome,microtome, anatomy, appendectomy)
tomentos- densely woolly
torn- cut
torpe- numb
tox-, toxic- (G) poison (toxin, toxoid, intoxication,
toxo- arrow, dart
trab- beam
trachy- rough
trago- goat
trans- across
trapez- (G) four sided, table, a table or counter (medial
trapezius, trapezium, trapezoid)
trauma, traumat- (G) wound (traumatic, tamuatism, traumatology)
trema- hole
tremulans- trembling
tri- three
trich- hair
trivialis- trivial
troch- wheel
trop- (G) turning (tropism, geotropic, heliotrope)
troph(y)- (G) feed, nourishment (trophic, trophoblast,
trophoderm, atrophy, hypertrophy, dystrophy)
tussi- cough (pertussis)
tympanum- (G) drum (typanal, tympanic, n. chorda tympani,
typhlo- (G) blind, cecum (typhlosis, typhlosole)
uliginosus- in marshes
-ul- diminutive
ulo- wooly
ultra- above
umbilic- navel
un- one
unc- hook
ungui- nail, claw
ungul- hoof, claw
urens- bum
ur- (G) tail (uropod, Urochordata, Anura)
ur- (G) urine (urea, uremia, urine, urology, ureter,
uro- tail
urs- of bears
utricul- little skin bag
uv(ela)- grapes
vagina- sheath
vagus- wandering
vas(o)- (L) vessel (vas deferens, vasomotor)
velum- veil
ven- (L) vein (vein)
ventr- (L) belly (ventral)
verd- green
veris- true
verm- worm
vern- spring
versi- various
vesic- blister
vesper- evening, western
vill- shaggy hair, velvet
virens- green
visc- organs of body cavity
vita- life
vitell- yolk
vitr- glass
volv – L –
to roll – revolve
vora- devour
vulgaris- common
vulp- fox
xanth- (G) yellow (xanthein, Xanthium, xanthophyll)
xen(o)- (G) stranger (xenia, xenoparasite, Xenopsylla,
xer- (G) dry (xerasia, exrophilic, xerophyte, xerosis)
xiph(i)- (G) sword (xiphisternum, xiphocostal, xiphoid)
xyl- (G) wood (xylan, xylem, Xylocarpus, xylol)
zo(a)- (G) animal, living being (zolatria, zoic,
zoogenesis, zoology, Protozoa, speratozoon, azoic)
zoon– (G) animal
zon(a)- (G) girdle, belt, zone
zyg- (G) yoke (zygapophysis, zygoma, zygote, azygos,
zym- (G) yeast (zymase, zymogen, enzyme)
English Suffixes
able, ible- capable, agreeable, edible, visible
ade- result of action-blockade
age- act of, state of, result of- storage, wreckage,
al- relating to- gradual, manual, natural
algia- pain- neuralgia, nostalgia, myalgia
an, ian- native of, relating to- African, riparian,
ance, ancy- action, process, state- assistance, allowance,
ary, ery, ory- relating to, quality, place where- aviary, bravery,
cian- possessing a specific skill or art- magician,
cy- action, function- hesitancy, prophecy, normalcy
cule, ling- very small- molecule, ridicule, animalcule, duckling,
dom- quality, realm- freedom, kingdom, wisdom
ee- one who receives the action- refugee, nominee,
en- made of, to make- silken, frozen, wooden
ence, ency- action, state of, quality- difference, confidence,
urgency, agency
er, or- one who, that which- baker, miller, professor
escent- in the process of- adolescent, senescence,
ese- a native of, the language of- Javanese, Japanese,
esis, osis- action, process, condition- genesis, hypnosis,
neurosis, osmosis
ess- female- goddess, lioness, actress
et, ette- small one, group- midget, baronet, sextet, lorgnette
fic- making, causing- scientific, specific
ful- full of- frightful, careful, helpful
fy- make -
beautify, fortify, simplify
hood- order, condition, quality- manhood, adulthood
ic- nature of, like- metallic, acidic, bucolic,
ice- condition, state, quality- justice, malice
id, ide- a thing connected with or belonging to- fluid,
fluoride, bromide
ile- relating to, suited for, capable of- juvenile,
senile, purile, missile
ine- nature of- feminine, genuine, medicine
ion, sion, tion- act, result, or state of- cancellation, contagion,
infection, crenellation
ish- origin, nature, resembling- foolish, Irish, clownish,
ism- system, manner, condition, characteristic-
alcoholism, communism, capitalism,
ist- one who, that which- artist, dentist, flautist
ite- nature of, quality of, mineral product- prelate,
Mennonite, dynamite, graphite, Israelite
ity, ty- state of, quality- celebrity, captivity, clarity,
ive- causing, making - abusive, exhaustive, abortive
ize, ise- make- emphasize, exercise, bowdlerize, bastardize,
idolize, fanaticize
logy- study, science, theory - biology, anthropology,
geology, neurology
ly- like, manner of- carelessly, fearlessly, hopelessly
ment- act of, state or, result- containment, contentment,
ness- state of- carelessness, restlessness
nomy- law- autonomy, economy, taxonomy
oid- resembling- asteroid, spheroid, rhomboid, anthropoid
ous- full of, having - gracious, nervous, pompous,
ship- state of, office, quality - assistantship,
friendship, authorship
some- like,
apt, tending to- lonesome, lissome, threesome, gruesome
tude- state of, condition of-
gratitude, aptitude, multitude
ure- state of, act, process, rank- culture, literature,
rupture, rapture
ward- in the direction of- eastward, downward, backward
y- inclined to, tend to- cheery, crafty, faulty