11216. AULUS GABINIUS, Legatus Syriae and General to Pompey, 57-55 BC. Syria, Decapolis. Nysa-Scythopolis mint. AE (19mm, 7.53 g, 12h). Wreathed head of Gabinius right; ΓA behind / Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm. Barkay 1; RPC I 4826. Near VF, attractive bluish-green patina with earthen highlights. Scarce. $450.
3939. SICILY, THE HISPANI?, SPANISH MERCENARIES UNDER POMPEY, 1st century BC. AE22, Copenhagen_. Laur. hd. Zeus r./Horseman with spear r., HISPANORVM? below. EF, Very rare. Label says Hispani and what little I can read of the legend is consistent but the attribution is uncertain. Excellent style portrait.
Provenance: The Thomas Virzi collection 1907. $600.
11042. POMPEY THE GREAT OR LATER, Cilicia, Soloi-Pompeiopolis mint (the city named after Pompey). Circa 66-27 BC. AE (20mm, 7.82 g, 11h). Bare head of Pompey right / Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm; to right, AΘ above monogram. SNG von Aulock 5887. Good VF, dark green patina. A choice example with an especially nice clear portrait for these.
Though usually identified as Pompey, the bust does not look like him and may well be a portrait of some other Roman associated with him. A strong possibility is Marc Antony. $350.
11373. C. ANTIUS C.F. RESTIO. Denarius, 3.55g. (8h). Rome, 47 BC. Obv: Head of the tribune Antius Restio right, RESTIO behind. Rx: Hercules walking right, with club and trophy, lion's skin over arm, C ANTIVS CF to right. Crawford 455/1a. Sydenham 970. RSC Antia 1. Sear, Imperators 34. Beautifully toned; minor area of weak strike on head. VF, a very nice example. Provenance: Ex Randy Haviland Collection. Ex Triton VI, 14 January 2003, lot 768. Ex Tony Hardy Collection. $1000. |
10808. FULVIA, third wife of Mark Antony, 44-40 BC. Phrygia, Eumeneia (as Fulvia). Circa 41-40 BC. AE (20mm, 6.98 g, 12h). Zmertorix, the son of Philonides, magistrate. Bust of Fulvia (as Nike) right / Athena standing left, holding shield and spear. RPC I 3139; SNG Munchen -; BMC 21; SNG Copenhagen -. Near VF, green patina. $300.
11334. STATILIUS LIBO, prefect. Spain, Uncertain southern mint in Hispania. Cn. (Cnaeus) Statilius Libo. Prefect, circa 43-36 BC or later. AE Semis (20mm, 5.53 g, 10h). Bare head of Statilius Libo right / Patera and praefericulum. ACIP 2645; RPC I 483. Near VF, brown patina, porosity. The prefect Cn. Statilius Libo is only known from this issue of coinage. About as good as this coin comes with good portrait and entire name clear as are both reverse devices. Considerably better than CNG 78, Lot: 1134 which went for $310 plus 18% buyer's fee. $300.
6582. Cn. Pompeius Magnus Pius (Sextus Pompey, son of Pompey the Great), Imperatorial General, 48-34 BC. Bronze As, 31mm. 21.96 g. Struck in Spain or Sicily about 45 BC. Obverse janiform male head, with the features of Pompey the Great, inscription MAGN above. Reverse prow of ship right, inscription PIVS above and IMP below. Cr. 479/1. Syd. 1044. B. Pompeia 20. Cohen 16. F+, but better detail in faces than image shows. Inexpensive example. Beautiful glossy apple green patina. $250.
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6584. POMPEY THE GREAT, 45-44BC. The Pompeians. Sextus Pompey. 42-38 BC. AR Denarius (20mm, 3.55 g, 6h). Massilia (Marseilles) mint. Q. Nasidius, commander of the fleet. Bare head of Pompey the Great right; trident before; below, dolphin right; NEPTVNI downwards behind / Galley with bank of rowers right, under full sail, helmsman steering rudder, hortator standing on prow; star to upper left; Q ¥ NASIDIVS below. Crawford 483/2; CRI 235; Sydenham 1350; Kestner 3698; BMCRR Sicily 21-4; RSC 20 (Pompey the Great). EF, bright surfaces. Excellent, artistic portrait. Better issue for Pompey. Scarce issue for the famous Roman imperator. $1800.
6091. MARC ANTONY, 42-30 BC, AR Denarius. Portrait bust of Antony r./Winged caduceus. F+-AVF. Ancient counter stamp at 7 o'clock. $250.
11397. SCIPIO AFRICANUS, after 209 BC. Roman occupation of Cathago Nova in Spain. AE 23, 10.41 g. Villaronga class XI, 282. Obverse: Bare head of Scipio Africanus? Left. Reverse: Horse standing right in front of date palm. VF, perfectly centered, and an excellent specimen for these very rare coins. Nearly as good as CNG 73, Lot 685 which went for $4000 plus 18% buyer's fee.
The coins of Robinson's Series 7 are of two styles, one Punic in character, the other more Roman in character. Robinson suggested that the latter represents the coinage of Carthago Nova after its sudden capture by Scipio in 209 BC, and that the head on the obverse is a portrait of Scipio himself, while the heads of Punic type basically reflect the features of Hannibal. Villaronga simply calls both male heads. $450
9343. BRUTUS, ASSASSIN OF CAESAR, Minted at Thrace, Koson, 1st century BC. Gold Stater, Sear 1733. Brutus, the assassin of Caesar, and 2 lictors walking l./Eagle with wreath. EF. Struck after Caesar's death by the command of Brutus. $800.
7273. MARC ANTONY & LUCIUS ANTONY (Roman consul and brother of Marc Antony). AR Denarius, early 41 BC, Craw. 517/5b. Bare hd. M. Antony r./Bare hd. Lucius Antony r., L. ANTONIVS COS. VF. Very RARE and desirable Roman portrait coin! $2250.
10761. CN. DOMITIUS L.f. AHENOBARBUS. 41-40 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.66 g, 3h). Uncertain mint along the Adriatic or Ionian Sea. Bare head of Ahenobarbus right / Military trophy on prow right. Crawford 519/2; CRI 339; Sydenham 1177. VF, lightly toned, light scratch and banker's mark on obverse. Good metal. Obverse especially better than photo. Rare. Published in 'Augustus' Wars and the Generals Who Fought Them', (Pen and Sword Books) by Lindsay Powell. Ex CNG Auction 254, Lot 227.
Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus accompanied his father at Corfinium and Pharsalus on the side of Pompey. After his pardon by Julius Caesar, he retired to Rome in 46 BC. After Caesar's assassination, Ahenobarbus supported Brutus and Cassius, and in 43 BC was condemned under the terms of the Lex Pedia for complicity in the assassination. Ahenobarbus achieved considerable naval success against the Second Triumvirate in the Ionian theater, where this denarius was certainly minted, but finally, through the mediation of Gaius Asinius Pollio, he reconciled with Mark Antony, who thereupon made him governor of Bithynia. He participated in Antony's campaign against the Parthians, and was consul in 32 BC. When war broke out between Antony and Octavian, Ahenobarbus initially supported Antony, but, disgusted by Antony's relationship with Cleopatra, sided with Octavian shortly before Actium. His only child, Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, was married to Antonia Minor, the daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia. Their son, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, married Agrippina Minor, the sister of the emperor Caligula, and was the father of the emperor Nero. (Commentary courtesy CNG.) $3500.
7800. FAMOUS LEGION X JEWISH REVOLT LEGIONARY DENARIUS. MARC ANTONY, 42-30 BC, Legionary Denarius. Galley/Legionary standards. Legion X. Legion X Fretensis was the famous Roman legion stationed in Judaea that quelled the Jewish revolt including taking Masada in 73 AD. F+. $250. |
7931. BRUTUS, Denarius of Spring to early Summer 42 BC, RSC 11. struck at a military mint in the East moving with Brutus & Cassius. Veiled draped bust of Libertas r./Tripod between axe and simpulum. Important historical coin struck shortly before Brutus and Cassius were defeated at Philippi. Near EF. Much better and less contrasting coloration than photo. $850.
8175. BRUTUS, THRACE, KOSON, 1st century BC. Gold Stater, S.1733. Brutus, the assassin of Caesar, and 2 lictors walking l./Eagle with wreath. EF. Struck after Caesar's death. $1250. |
9453. OCTAVIAN DEFEAT OF ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA REVERSE, AR Cistophor of 28-27 BC, RSC 218. Laur. hd. r./Pax stg. l. with caduceus, cista mystica to r., all within laurel wreath. VF. Scarce. This issue commemorates the general peace that was proclaimed upon his return to Rome in 29 BC after his defeat of Antony and Cleopatra. Of considerable historical interest. SOLD.
9483. RARE AND HISTORIC MARC ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA PORTRAIT DENARIUS, 32-31 BC. AR Denarius, 18 mm, 3.49 g. RSC 1 var. Bust Cleopatra VII r./Bare hd. Antony r., Armenian tiara behind. AVF. An historic coin and quite rare and desirable. Good metal and struck on a broader flan than usual with better centering. Wear but both faces quite clear. SOLD.
9468. RARE MARC ANTONY & OCTAVIA FLEET COINAGE, AE16 'Fleet Coinage', RPC 1470. Jugate heads of Marc Antony and Octavia/Roman war galley. This unusual coin is an example of Mark Anthony's "fleet coinage," a series of bronzes in multiple, clearly marked denominations issued shortly after Antony's marriage alliance with Octavian, the nephew of Julius Caesar. The exact dates, the nature and purpose of the series have been the subject of much debate. David Sear in his superb book "History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC," places the commencement of the series in the summer of 38 BC at a still unidentified
Eastern mint. The coins were struck in the names of Antony and three of his admirals--L. Sempronius Atratinus, M. Oppius
Capito, and L. Calpurnius Bibulus, and falls into two distinct series, "heavy" and "light." Most of the coins depict overlapping,
confronting or Janiform portraits of Antony and Octavia, his wife and Octavian's sister. A few also show Octavian, in a
clearly subsidiary position. Reverses almost all feature nautical themes--galleys under full sail, or figures in chariots drawn by
hippocamps. The admiral's names, themes, and the combination of Greek and Latin letters indicate the coins may have been
used to pay sailors in Antony's fleet, and were intended for circulation in his Eastern realm. An intriguing feature of the series is the range of denominations, all Roman, all clearly marked in Greek letters. They range from a large bronze sestertius, previously a small silver coin, marked HS in Latin and the Greek letter-numeral D, or four, indicating a value of four asses. Next comes an unusual denomination, the tressis, or three asses, marked G; then the dupondius, two asses, marked B; and the as, marked A. The series is completed by two fractions, a semis and quadrans, marked S and with three dots (three unciae) respectively. The coin illustrated here is an as, marked A, with jugate portraits of Antony and Octavia on the obverse, a galley under sail on the reverse. It falls into the "light" series, perhaps issued a year after the first release of the coins, on a lighter standard, in the name of Antony and Oppius Capito.
Although this experimental coinage was short-lived and very rare today, it is interesting to note that the great currency reform
started by Octavian, after he had taken the name Augustus and become the first Emperor of Rome, resulted in a bronze coinage
using exactly the same denominations as Anthony's fleet issues.
Achaea. Mark Antony, Fleet Coinage. Circa 38-37 BC. M. Oppius Capito, propraetor & praefectus
classis. Conjoined heads of Antony and Octavia right / Galley under sail right; A below. RPC 1470.
See another, lot 939, estimated at $1500 in CNG Auction 49 where the above commentary was kindly taken from. SOLD.
8098. THE TRIUMVIRATE: MARC ANTONY, OCTAVIAN & LEPIDUS. AE16 of Ephesus, RPC 2570-2v. Triple jugate hds. r. of Antony, Octavian & Lepidus/ Cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus facing. F. Very rare depiction of the triumvirs together. A decent example of this rare and interesting type. SOLD.
7542. L. Livineius Regulus, 42 BC. Silver denarius, Livineia 12.
Portrait of Praetor L. Livineius Regulus/Combat of gladitors against
wild beasts. One attacks a lion, another defends himself against a tiger, a wounded boar top left. VF+. Rare depiction of Roman gladiators slaughtering wild beasts in the arena! SOLD.
11266. Moneyer issues of Imperatorial Rome. L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.65 g, 8h). Rome mint. Bare head of the praetor L. Livineius Regulus right / Curule chair with three fasces to left and right. Crawford 494/28; CRI 177; Sydenham 1110; Livineia 11. VF, toned, some light scratches and porosity. Provenance: From the Bruce R. Brace Collection. SOLD.
| |
11218. BRUTUS, Spring-early summer 42 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.71 g, 8h). Struck by a military mint traveling with Brutus in Lycia. Bare head of Libertas right / Plectrum, lyre, and laurel branch tied with fillet. Crawford 501/1; CRI 199; Sydenham 1287; RSC 5. VF, bankers' marks on obverse field SOLD.
10199. Cn. Pompeius Magnus Pius (Sextus Pompey, son of Pompey the Great), Imperatorial General, 48-34 BC. Æ bronze As, struck in Spain or Sicily about 45 BC. Obverse janiform male head, with the features of Pompey the Great, inscription MAGN above. Reverse prow of ship right, inscription PIVS above and IMP below. Cr. 479/1. Syd. 1044. B. Pompeia 20. Cohen 16. Near VF but better detail in faces than image shows. SOLD.
6583. POMPEY THE GREAT, 45-44BC. Denarius, RSC3. Herm bust of Jupiter r./Dolphin, scepter, eagle. VF. SOLD.
7660. MARC ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN (later Augustus), 40-39 BC. AR Denarius. RSC 1var. Hd. Antony/Hd. Octavian. EF. Scarce. SOLD.
9446. EXCESSIVELY RARE SILVER TETRADRACHM OF MARC ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, CIRCA 39 BC. Obverse: Bust of Cleopatra facing right attired in her royal robes and diadem, wearing a necklace probably of large pearls which supports a pendant, the bust surrounded by Greek legend BACILICCA KLEOPATRA THEA NEOTERA = 'The Younger Queen Goddess Cleopatra'. Reverse: Bare head of Marc Antony facing right, surrounded by Greek legend ANTWNIOC AYTOKPATWP TPITON TPIWN ANDPWN = 'Antony Imperator Third Proclamation'. This excessively rare silver tetradrachm is believed by numismatic scholars to have been struck sometime between 36 and 34 BC, most
likely at a mint in Syria where they often Summered. Michael Grant
thinks it most likely that it was struck in 34 BC in connection with the
great Donations of that year, in which Antony conferred much of the
Eastern Mediterranean in a whole series of titles, territories and
overlordships upon Cleopatra and her children. References: Michael Grant,
Cleopatra, 1992, Barnes & Noble, pps. 168, 175 where he discusses the facts surrounding the issuance of this
coin. Also, Burnett, Amandry & Ripolles, Roman Provincial Coinage, Volume I, # 4094, published jointly by
the British Museum Press and the Bibliotech National, 1992. Grade: Fine. The tragic love story of Marc Antony and Cleopatra has been told
and retold since antiquity by everyone from Plutarch through
Shakespeare to Hollywood. The suicides of Antony and Cleopatra in
August, 30 BC brought an end not only to the Ptolemaic Dynasty in
Egypt, but to the entire Hellenistic age. Thenceforth Rome was
master of the whole Mediterranean and the great age of Imperial
Rome commenced. (see the coin of Octavian listed directly below for the victorious Roman ruler's commemoration of their defeat!)
In spite of their fame, few coins depicting the portraits of both
Antony and Cleopatra were struck, and of those struck the current
type is the finest, the largest and the rarest. Coins with good
portraits of Cleopatra are especially rare. In fact surviving
contemporary portraits of Cleopatra in any medium are rare, and
coins like the current example, engraved as they were during her
lifetime under joint authority with Antony, give us one of the best
representations of how she and Antony actually appeared. Here we
see the strong features of the virile, impetuous Antony, bareheaded
and ready to plunge into some grand new earth-shaking endeavor,
and on the obverse, the stately elegant bust of Cleopatra, attired in
her royal robes and jewelry. An extraordinary face, haughty,
arrogant, ruthless, but clearly of great intelligence and
commanding presence. Without doubt this coin type has one of the finest
numismatic portraits of both Marc Antony and Cleopatra extant. This example though with the wear normally found still has clear portraits of both rulers and as such is worthy of the best collections. An extremely rare coin with only 44 examples known to RPC.
10218. MARC ANTONY, 42-30 BC. Praetorian galley. / Eagle between two legionary standards, LEG VI below. F. SOLD.
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6586. MARC ANTONY. AR Denarius. Portrait hd. r./Legend. AVF. Scarce. Inexpensive Antony portrait coin. SOLD.
SULLA, Dictator, 82-79 BC
AULUS GABINIUS, Legatus Syriae, 57-55 BC
CRASSUS (Marcus Licinius Crassus), Proconsul, 54-53 BC
SCIPIO, Imperator, 47-46 BC
7799. POMPEY THE GREAT, 42-40 BC Denarius, RSC17. His portrait r./Neptune with foot on prow between brothers carrying parents. VF.
9452. SICILY, THE HISPANI, SPANISH MERCENARIES UNDER POMPEY, 1st century BC. AE20, Copenhagen 1080v. Hd. Athena l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, P below, uncertain symbol above./Horseman with spear r., HISPANORVM below. VF. Extremely rare. Nice example with clear types, readable legend. SOLD.
3937. SICILY, THE HISPANI, SPANISH MERCENARIES UNDER POMPEY, 1st century BC. AE20, Copenhagen 1080v. Hd. Athena l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, P below, uncertain symbol above./Horseman with spear r., HISPANORVM below. EF. Extremely rare. Choice example of this little known coinage with clear types, full legend and excellent shiny black patina. Provenance: The Thomas Virzi collection. SOLD.
3938. SICILY, THE HISPANI, SPANISH MERCENARIES UNDER POMPEY, 1st century BC. AE13, Copenhagen 1083. Bearded hd. r./Pegasos, HISPANORVM around. VF. Extremely rare. Choice example of this little known coinage with clear types and readable legend. Provenance: The Thomas Virzi collection. SOLD.
3940. SICILY, THE HISPANI?, SPANISH MERCENARIES UNDER POMPEY, 1st century BC. AE13, Copenhagen_. Female hd. l./Helmet l. VF. Rare. Old label says Hispani. Villaronga p.69, #42 gives it as
Barcid of Carthago Nova but these are often found in Sicily. Additional attributions appreciated. Provenance: The Thomas Virzi collection. SOLD.
CNAEUS POMPEY JR., Imperator 46-45 BC, son of Pompey The Great, brother of Sextus Pompey
SEXTUS POMPEY, Imperator, 45-44 BC, son of Pompey The Great, brother of Pompey Jr.
JULIUS CAESAR, 47-44 BC, Imperator
6090. JULIUS CAESAR PORTRAIT DENARIUS. GOOD METAL AND NICE CLEAR PORTRAIT. JULIUS CAESAR, b.100-d.44 B.C., AR Denarius, 16.5 mm, 3.32 g. RSC 9. Veiled bust of Julius Caesar/Venus standing left leaning on shield. Clear VF portrait.
7929. JULIUS CAESAR, died 44BC. Denarius, RPC12. Hd. Venus/Aeneus carrying father & palladium. VF.
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7930. JULIUS CAESAR, 100-44 B.C., Denarius, , Sydenham 1014. Head of Venus to right, Cupid on shoulder male and female gallic captives under trophaeum, CAESAR. This denarius was minted after the victory over Vercingetorix, VF+.
7802. RARE AUGUSTUS AND JULIUS CAESAR AE OF MACEDONIA. AE22. Bare hd. Augustus r. /Laur. hd. Julius Caesar r. VF. Rare.
BRUTUS (Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger), imperator 43-42 B.C., assassin of Caesar, brother-in-law of Lepidus and Cassius
CASSIUS, imperator 43-42 B.C., assassin of Caesar, brother-in-law of Brutus
6586. MARC ANTONY. AR Denarius. Portrait hd. r./Legend. AVF. Scarce. Inexpensive Antony portrait coin.
6587. MARC ANTONY, 42-30BC, Legionary Denarius. Galley/Legionary standards. Legion XVII. EF+.
7933. FINE MARC ANTONY LEGIONARY DENARIUS, 42-30 BC, Legionary Denarius. Galley/Legionary standards. Legion XV. EF, slight nick rv. Considerably better than image shows.
7801. MARC ANTONY, 42-30 BC, Legionary Denarius. Galley/Legionary standards. Legion VIII. F+.
FULVIA, 44-40 BC, third wife of Marc Antony
6588. FULVIA. 44-40 BC. AE19 of Eumenia, Phrygia, BMC 20, RPC 3139. Portrait hd. Fulvia r. as Nike/Athena adv. l.
Fulvia was Marc Antony’s third wife before Octavia and then Cleopatra. A rare and important portrait coin. AVF.
OCTAVIA, 44-40 BC, fourth wife of Marc Antony, sister of Octavian
6092. MARC ANTONY & OCTAVIA, c. 30 BC. AR Cistophor. Jugate hds. of Antony and Octavia/Minerva stg. on cista mystica, serpents around. VF. Scarce.
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LUCIUS ANTONY, Roman consul, brother of Marc Antony
CAIUS ANTONY, Proconsul of Macedonia, younger brother of Marc Antony
MARC ANTONY JR., son of Marc Antony
MARC ANTONY WITH CLEOPATRA (issues of Cleopatra alone are to be found on our Greek Coins of Egypt page)
9446. EXCESSIVELY RARE SILVER TETRADRACHM OF MARC ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, CIRCA 39 BC. Obverse: Bust of Cleopatra facing right attired in her royal robes and diadem, wearing a necklace probably of large pearls which supports a pendant, the bust surrounded by Greek legend BACILICCA KLEOPATRA THEA NEOTERA = 'The Younger Queen Goddess Cleopatra'. Reverse: Bare head of Marc Antony facing right, surrounded by Greek legend ANTWNIOC AYTOKPATWP TPITON TPIWN ANDPWN = 'Antony Imperator Third Proclamation'. This excessively rare silver tetradrachm is believed by numismatic scholars to have been struck sometime between 36 and 34 BC, most
likely at a mint in Syria where they often Summered. Michael Grant
thinks it most likely that it was struck in 34 BC in connection with the
great Donations of that year, in which Antony conferred much of the
Eastern Mediterranean in a whole series of titles, territories and
overlordships upon Cleopatra and her children. References: Michael Grant,
Cleopatra, 1992, Barnes & Noble, pps. 168, 175 where he discusses the facts surrounding the issuance of this
coin. Also, Burnett, Amandry & Ripolles, Roman Provincial Coinage, Volume I, # 4094, published jointly by
the British Museum Press and the Bibliotech National, 1992. Grade: Fine. The tragic love story of Marc Antony and Cleopatra has been told
and retold since antiquity by everyone from Plutarch through
Shakespeare to Hollywood. The suicides of Antony and Cleopatra in
August, 30 BC brought an end not only to the Ptolemaic Dynasty in
Egypt, but to the entire Hellenistic age. Thenceforth Rome was
master of the whole Mediterranean and the great age of Imperial
Rome commenced. (see the coin of Octavian listed directly below for the victorious Roman ruler's commemoration of their defeat!)
In spite of their fame, few coins depicting the portraits of both
Antony and Cleopatra were struck, and of those struck the current
type is the finest, the largest and the rarest. Coins with good
portraits of Cleopatra are especially rare. In fact surviving
contemporary portraits of Cleopatra in any medium are rare, and
coins like the current example, engraved as they were during her
lifetime under joint authority with Antony, give us one of the best
representations of how she and Antony actually appeared. Here we
see the strong features of the virile, impetuous Antony, bareheaded
and ready to plunge into some grand new earth-shaking endeavor,
and on the obverse, the stately elegant bust of Cleopatra, attired in
her royal robes and jewelry. An extraordinary face, haughty,
arrogant, ruthless, but clearly of great intelligence and
commanding presence. Without doubt this coin type has one of the finest
numismatic portraits of both Marc Antony and Cleopatra extant. This example though with the wear normally found still has clear portraits of both rulers and as such is worthy of the best collections. An extremely rare coin with only 44 examples known to RPC. SOLD.
9483. RARE AND HISTORIC MARC ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA PORTRAIT DENARIUS, 32-31 BC. AR Denarius, 18 mm, 3.49 g. RSC 1 var. Bust Cleopatra VII r./Bare hd. Antony r., Armenian tiara behind. AVF. An historic coin and quite rare and desirable. Good metal and struck on a broader flan than usual with better centering. Wear but both faces quite clear. SOLD.
7660. MARC ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN (later Augustus), 40-39 BC. AR Denarius. RSC 1var. Hd. Antony/Hd. Octavian. EF. Scarce.
9484. HISTORIC MARC ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN (AUGUSTUS) PORTRAIT DENARIUS, 40-39 BC. AR Denarius. RSC 1var. Hd. Antony/Hd. Octavian. EF. Scarce. Surface and metal better than image shows. SOLD.
9453. OCTAVIAN DEFEAT OF ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA REVERSE, AR Cistophor of 28-27 BC, RSC 218. Laur. hd. r./Pax stg. l. with caduceus, cista mystica to r., all within laurel wreath. VF. Scarce. This issue commemorates the general peace that was proclaimed upon his return to Rome in 29 BC after his defeat of Antony and Cleopatra. Of considerable historical interest. SOLD.
9485. HISTORIC AUGUSTUS BATTLE OF ACTIUM NAVAL REVERSE, 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius, HRIC 46 ($1000-$3000). Bare hd. r./Anepigraphic, laureate wreath intertwined with prows. This coin references his famous naval victory over Antony and Cleopatra at Actium. Some surface laminations. VF. Rare! SOLD.
STATILIUS LIBO, prefect in Southern Spain
ZENODORUS, tetrarch and archereus of Syria under Octavian